Need a list of TT with arms and motors seperate

I've been thinking of upgrading sometime in the future from my VPI SuperScout Master. I thought to my self that if I ever do it has t be a TT with their motor and arm completely seperate from the plinth. Any suggestion out there?? One that comes to mind is the RED POINT.
Look at Amazon Model 1 or Reference... Separate motor, battery powered and thread belt. The bearing is serious.
Is a magnetic bearing really vibration free
(or silent)? Think about holding two strong magnets close to eachother so they are repelling. Move one slightly and the other one will move. The same will happen in a bearing. Two repelling magnets are not at all isolated from eachother. They are actually quite coupled. Friction, though, will be low.
Is a magnetic bearing really vibration free
(or silent)?
Well, rumble is usually associated with bearing friction, so I think that a magnetic bearing has no rumble.
good thread!
I am looking to build a tt and want to make it so it will sound betta than what I have. Of course I doubt that will happen or if it does it will take years. Was just wondering -- What are some of the better bearings out there, that can be purchased individually? I want to try the different options so--I am considering going with a magnetic design as well.
I'm not talking about friction (which a magnetic bearing would have anyway. If it didn't, the platter would spin forever). I'm just talking about vibrations on one side of the magnetic bearing being transmitted to the other side. Just because there is air between the two bearing surfaces there is definitely not complete isolation.