Origin live Silver or VPI JMW-9 Signature

I'm looking for a new tonearm, and have considered the two mentioned. I'm really not sure which one to go with, and since I can not audition them on the same stereo before purchase, I'm a bit lost.

Therefor I'm looking to hear from people, who may have tried them both and choosen one.

It will at first be used with a Denon DL-103R

Thank you.
At those prices you would be remiss not looking at a Moerch also (UP4 or DP6).

You did not mention the table that this will go...but here are some general comments. So far I have used the VPI JMW 9 and Rega RB300 and RB600, but all the mentioned tonearm have gotten good comments from users.

The JMW-9 signature is a little on the low end of effective mass needed for the Denon DL103R. Adding a 2-3g headshell weight should help. It is a very nice tonearm especially when used with VPI tables. It does have exchangable armwand, although for the signature version they can get expensive.

I would second also the suggestion to look at other arms, Moerch DP-4, Hadcock tonearms, etc. The Moerch is very flexible tonearm, with different effective mass arm tubes available. It can be matched ideally to any cartidge. The Moerch would be my joice for my next table.

Good luck with your search,

Thank you for the inputs.

I have arranged a privat meeting at a dealer that carries both Origin Live, Moerch and Hadcock tonearms, so hopefully that will help me with my choice.
A Hadcock will probably also prove too light for a Denon 103R. It's great that your dealer can let you compare arms but make sure you audition each arm with the same cartridge, or you're wasting your time.