Transparent Phono Cable

I have upgraded my analog system to an SME 20/2 with Graham Phantom. Cartridge short list is down to Dynavector XV1S or Zyx Universe.

The rest of the chain in the system is Ayre K-1xe preamp with phono stage, Levinson 20.5 mono blocks, Wilson Sophia 1s. The existing cables are current Transparent Reference from preamp to amps & current Transparent Ultra speaker cable.

Music runs the gamut from classical to jazz, rock, pop & folk.

Should I be consistent and go for Transparent phono cable or consider a different brand?
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ZYX Universe is here to compare to the Dynavector. Comparison is coming soon. 2nd party impressions go the the Universe. This is hearsay based on a friend listening in someone elses system. I will be comparing shortly. It will be the ZYX Universe in an Ikeda compared to the XV-1s on the Schroder SQ. The Ikeda will be using the Silver tonearm cable. The Schroder has the Nordost Vallhala cryogenicly treated.

Initial impressions of the Schroder. Who says it doesn't have bass. It has incredible bass.
Did you get your UNIverse in Copper or Silver coils ? I am assuming that you got the SB weight.
Thanks, guys, for all your responses. I'm looking forward to Dgad's thoughts on Universe vs XV1s. Since the order-ship time on my Graham Phantom is taking longer than I was initially told (doesn't it always in this hobby?), I can defer my decision a bit longer.

I'm still not sure which way to go on the phono cable, but my list is getting shorter.

It isn't mine. I have it on loan for 10 days. I hope it doesn't spoil me. I spent enough this year. I did get the SB weight, but the cartridge is slightly light for the Ikeda arm. I will need to add a weight to the headshell to compensate. It is sitting in a box as I get to know the Schroder and let the Nordost tonearm wire that is included break in.
The SB weight is the way to go with the UNIverse. My experience was that I much preferred the Copper Coil to the Silver Coiled version by a considerable margin. You did not mention if the UNIverse that you are using is Silver or Copper.
Congratulations on getting the Schroder Reference SQ. It is one amazing arm.