Transparent Phono Cable

I have upgraded my analog system to an SME 20/2 with Graham Phantom. Cartridge short list is down to Dynavector XV1S or Zyx Universe.

The rest of the chain in the system is Ayre K-1xe preamp with phono stage, Levinson 20.5 mono blocks, Wilson Sophia 1s. The existing cables are current Transparent Reference from preamp to amps & current Transparent Ultra speaker cable.

Music runs the gamut from classical to jazz, rock, pop & folk.

Should I be consistent and go for Transparent phono cable or consider a different brand?
Ag insider logo xs@2xcipherjuris
If I was getting the Phantom,I would surely get the cable manufactured by Graham.The IC-70 is a superb design,and mates very well with the arm.I own it,along with the Graham 2.2.
I don't know what it "runs circles around",but I have compared it to other cables.Some mentioned.BTW,I too have my pre/phono hook-up to amp with Transparent Ref.No complaints,here.
By all means try the IC-70, it comes with the arm anyway doesn't it? If it doesn't, then throw one into the mix if you like, but don't buy one until you've done your due diligence and made some comparisons.

I thought the van den Hul Silver Hybrid cable supplied w/ my SME V tonearm must be "The Best" for two very good reasons:

1.) van den Hul, and
2.) SME

and for years accepted that I had "The Best". How could I be so stupid not to at least try some others? And it never occured to me to try any others until the tonearm guy at Sumiko mentioned he preferred the Cardas Golden Reference to the vdH supplied with the arm.

Well, I never had a chance to actually try the Cardas GR, or audition the Silver Breeze which I had ordered from Max, because I fell into a Venustas at CES. My first response upon installing the Venustas was freak-out joy! followed immediately by fury at SME for including such a piece of muddy-sounding crap with a $4000 tonearm!

You're going to make a serious investment in a cartridge and electronics along with everything else. Don't make the mistake of running with the the stock cable due to associative attribution, ESPECIALLY if it's not included with the arm! With all due respect, I think Speedy's statement represents poor reasoning:

"If I was getting the Phantom,I would surely get the cable manufactured by Graham. The IC-70 is a superb design,and mates very well with the arm."

"Mates very well with the arm"? -- means it plugs in easily? What are we talking about here? If a tonearm cable needs to "mate very well" with anything, that would be the cartridge and the phono preamp. Do not assume. Do your homework.
Nsgarsh,for the first time,since I have began reading,your usually well thought out posts,you make a "silly" case,against my logic!
Firstly the IC-70 is a "seperate" 750 dollar cable.It happens to be a fine match,for "any" Graham arm as the internal wire "matches" this.A NO brainer,actually.The "Bullet Plugs" have been reviewed,independantly,and even those,though not fancy,are considered the best sounding the industry has produced.It was compared to the likes of the WBT Nextgen.Impressive!
Also,let's face it,it "ain't" easy to compare many of the phono cables available to us.It takes a good deal of legwork,and alot of folks somply will never do this.Especially in lieu of the "fact" that there are so many good choices,and it really is hard to make a bad decision.
Lastly(sorry,but true)I have A/B'd the Venustas with the IC-70,and the result(with a 2.2 arm,and the Transfiguration Temper-v)was a "clear" superiority,in running the IC-70!More dynamic,and better bass impact.Better contrasts.This was the opinion of the other hobbyists at the time,but my original friend,who had already spent money on the Purist,was committed already,and uses it.This will vary in other systems,I hope!
I think you are a little too influenced by "price"(though you DO mention the Silver Breeze cable),and why would you assume the Siltech is SO great,if you have not heard it?Big bucks?Reputation?Why?The Silver Breeze,to me,looks like a very good choice,if someone is adamantly against a particular manufacturer's cable(and why,anyway?).You did mention the Silver Breeze,and it was a good choice.
I had called Bob Graham,last winter,just as my pal was moving to the Venustas.I thought it would be a good idea to get his thoughts on cable design,using his own arms.He made a very convincing argument,in favor of the IC-70.So "that" was my logic(as to your querry),in keeping it,along with it's performance.
Mark, as I said, I didn't know if the Graham cable came with the arm. And I am well aware of all the obstacles to auditioning cables -- but it's no excuse for grabbing the first thing and running with it. If there's a will, there's a way -- especially when one is planning a (retail) expenditure from $800 up to $2000 or more.

Three of the excellent cables we discussed are all in the $800 +/- range (four, if you include the Cardas GR) so even avoiding the pricey stuff, if you just "go with" the first thing that comes up (for whatever reason) then you are automatically "unchoosing" all the other candidates. You wouldn't by a car or a computer that way?

BTW, I don't go by price alone, and for a very good reason, I can't afford the most expensive products. If I hadn't been offered a Venustas phono cable for 1/3 retail, I probably would have wound up with one of the $800 choices, but only after first listening to at least three of them.

I don't know from personal experience that Siltech is the best, but I talk with a very dispassionate guy who sells Siltech, Purist, Transparent, Argento and has heard the rest. He wants me to hear the Siltechs in my system, but I courteously declined.
Dear Ed: Congratulations for your XV-1 ( wonderful performer ) and your up-grade analog system!!!

I never had the opportunity to heard the phono cable by Transparent but I heard ( in my own system ) several ones: Cardas, Siltech, Nordost, Analysis Plus, Harmonic Technologies, Wireworld, Kimber kable, Purist, Van denHul, Silversmith, etc, etc.

From all those I keep it : Analysis Plus and Harmonic Technologies, both are superb and for less money than almost all those cables ( including Transparent )that don't justify its very high prices, at least in my system.

Now, the cable selection is a very subjective one and system dependent, to be sure that you have the best one means that you have to test several ones till you find the right one

Regards and enjoy the music.