Step Up or new Phono Preamp ??

My system is as follows: Basis 2001 Signature, Vector 1 arm, Grado Reference (High Output) Master (retail $800.00),
McIntosh C2200 phono & preamp, Ayre V5X amp & Maggies 3.6R.
I am getting the upgrade bug and seriously cosidering getting a Shelter 501 II but I will need to either add a Step Up as the C2200
can't drive a LO MC or get a new phone stage to add to the C2200,
which I love and am not parting with. I added NOS tubes to the C2200 and it sounds great with my SACD player as well as my Basis TT but believe I may get better sound with the Shelter 501. I guess what I'm really after is much better staging, and even though
the HO Grado is a very good cart. soundstaging is not one of its strong suits.
So do I get a step up and if so what do you recommend?
Do I get a new phono-I've looked a the Underwood modded PS
Audio GCPH but have not heard it anywhere.
I'd like to buy the cart & step up or new phono(which one do you
recommend) and spend no more than $2,200 and less spent
would be much better from the WAF perspective. I really like the
C2200 so a new add on phono stage would have to be very
highly recommended for me to consider. However, I've never
used a step up and am concerned about the not knowing much
about step ups.

ANY thoughts and recommendations would be most appreciated.Thank you very much !!

If you're in love with your Mac preamp do this:

Forget step up transformers. There are at least 6 to 8 other analog nuts I know of here on AgoN who will tell you the same thing, and for the same reason (which I'm not going into here, sorry.) Also, don't bother getting a low to medium output MC cartridge which will require a separate phono preamp -- primarily because your budget isn't emough to do justice to either one.

The sensible thing to do would be to get a high output MC cartridge that you can use right into your Mac. Many well-respected manufacturers of MC cartridges make high output versions. Either a van den Hul TWO or HO Frog would be excellent choices, and would only require you add appropriate loading resistors to the Mac phono preamp section to bring down the 47Kohm default phono input impedance (which is meant for MM cartridges) -- I'm sure there's a place on the circuit board to do that, or a tech can do it for you.

You'd be keeping it simple, optimize your TA and TT without overkill, and going directly into a really good phono section in your Mac. That's what I think.

Check the older posts. There was someone who was using a 501 with the P75 Dynavector active MC amp with great success using the special current circuit option. He seemed to have owned other more Zoot Capri carts and had great respect for the synergy between these two. Used P75's are currently running $300-400 on A'gon. Think it might be worth considering. I know I am.... Or maybe a Denon DL-103r with a LeBong Step-up. Check out the TNT moving coil transformer shoot-out test.
Enjoy your music!
Two very good recommendations given above. I'll add a third option which is a slight twist on both. If you do want to move toward LO MC's, you could take a phased approach. I would recommend skipping transformers and find a good phono stage with a well implemented active MC gain stage. Then pick up a Denon 103R for around $250. This should keep you within your budget and set you up if you can upgrade the cartridge in the future.