phono stage break in?

Does anyone know if breaking in a phono stage is possible by running my tuner to the input of the phono stage? Is this a bad idea?

Noams, to be perfectly frank, I'm not sure I agree with any of this, as I already said:

"Personally I think using the sweep tracks on a record like the Cardas regularly keeps everything (including the cartridge!) in shape."

HOWEVER, one does need to run a signal thru the equipment and cables to "break them in" if indeed "break-in" is even a real world phenomenon. That's because at "idle" (no signal) there is no current through most parts of the circuits, so all the little internal components and wiring are under zero stress.

I have kept an eye (ear?) out for "break in" changes in all parts of my systems for over 40 years, and have used all manner of break in accessories and devices (except for an AudioDharma Cable Cooker.) Personally, the only "break in" changes I've experienced over all that time fall into a few specific categories:

1.) Cartridges: ALL new cartridges ALWAYS go through a break-in period. Well Duh! If you flex a new piece of rubber long enough, it's going to relax a little bit! And of course there's those tiny little coil wires with their enameled insulation that will be altered at a molecular level after carrying all that electromagnetically induced current ;--)

2.) Cables: Well, first of all, the last time I bought any kind of new cable was around 1990 when I was rich and bought some Straightwire Maestro spkr and IC, and 3 pair of Magnan Type Vi. Some stock PCs had IEC connectors back then, but nobody made aftermarket PCs, so that issue was moot. A set of vdHul tonearm cables came w/ my SME V and I used those until three years ago (for 13 years!) until someone at Sumiko (SME US rep) told me in language I won't repeat here, that they sucked and I should consider Cardas Golden Reference; right after that I fell into a pair of Purist Venustas which blew my mind -- but I digress....... Back then, the only "break in" anybody discussed was their automobile engines and their shoes! Since then, I've bought almost all my cables used, so when "break in" became a hot topic, I had no way to tell if my cables were changing or not because all mine were presumably already broken in!

3.) Equipment/components: What I said about cables somewhat applies here also in my case (used purchases) however, SS equipment has not appeared to change much from its out-of-the-box sound. Tube equipment does change -- a lot! But that's due to the tubes having to burn in, not the equipment itself. And once burned in, tubes, like cartridges remain the same until shortly before death!

4.) Speakers: a qualified "always" as in: "it's ALWAYS something!" But is it the crossover and wiring, the electrostatic membrane, the woofer surround, the voice coil? All of the above? Probably, but will you hear changes? That would be a definite "maybe" depending on the individual product. Stats definitely smooth out, but is it the membrane or the electronics? And do speakers benefit from occasional conditioning with frequency sweep CDs? And if I could hear a difference, how would I know if it was the speaker that had improved, or something else further upstream -- after all, the CD affects everything from the transport on out.

Bottom line? Well two things:

The biggest break-in changes I've heard over and over again are with cartridges and tubes.

The biggest maintenance improvements I've heard over and over again are, first and foremost, cleaning plugs and connectors. And a less obvious second, using the Cardas record (for cartridge de-gaussing) or the Purist CD (for system conditioning.)
Dear Rolloff: +++++ " phono stage break in? " +++++

This is the title of your thread.

We have to ask what parts in a phono stage ( btw: electronic devices ) needs break-in: Fets, transistors, resistors, diodes, capacitors, switchs, connectors, transformers, tubes, DACs, solder, boards, etc, etc ?

For many years I was crazy about break-in in any audio device and those experiences told me that in electronic audio devices only three audio parts needs some break-in to achieve its optimal level: DACs, capacitors and tubes, and from these ones only the caps where the signal pass through ( especially the teflon caps ).

Now, how to break-in: I agree with Steve, playing music: nothing more.

My Essential 3150 sounds very good out of the box, 50 hours latter you are near heaven and 100 hours you are on heaven!!! and you enjoy every single minute those " break-inn " hours ( two weeks ) with the music you are hearing.

Now, there are differences between what we want to hear with the break-in and what really happen. Many of us really want to hear differences through the break-in when in reality maybe there are no differences at all.

Like Steve and Noams posted: " and just puts money into low value junk like break-in "burners," CDs and records. "

" I must say that these CDs always struck me as one of the most unessecery add ons that are out there. "

At least for audio electronic audio devices.

Play music and enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.
I agree with Raul about caps needing break in time. That seems, based on my experiences, to be the component that does benefit from prolonged exposure to the signals of music reproduction. To take this one step further, it seems to me that any component with a measurable capacitance gains from this break in as well. DACs, and all chips, are composed of tiny capacitors. I've found that most tubes that I've used settle in within 50 hours or so.

I've not used CD's before this to break in a phono stage specifically. I'm sure many of us have left a CDP on repeat for several days to burn in other components. It does seem to have sped things up a bit, but I suppose it would take the break in of many phono stages to say for sure that this really does speed things up.
If my stereo is playing I have to listen. I don't care how it sounds. A full orchestra usually has full spectrum of music. Use real music for breakin.
Every component(cables are not a component) I ever had not only requires breakin but except for speakers require warm up. Out of the box they are simply unlistenable.
The more expensive the more breakin time. I have also come to the suspicion that the reason so many great products sound awful at the store is inadequate breakin. Cheap products are playing all the time. Expensive products are turned on only for "special customers." Electrostatic speakers need to have thier transformers breakin and warm up.

Dan_ed, Nsgarch, Rauliruegas
I really do appreciate the time your took to explain it to me.

I used to be a firm non-believer in break in phenomena, until I recapped my preamp (ns-10). When I first got it it sounded awful, dry with decreased dynamic range. Over the next two weeks, it changed, but I was actually absent most of time and it was fed just statics from the cartridge...
Same thing goes for my new phono preamp.
Would an RIAA cd make it faster/better? maybe. however, The results that I got using the above methods were more than satisfactory to me.
As for the CARDAS sweep record, I am seriously considering buying it, so thanks for the warm recomendation!!