A good point on the damping fluid, at the moment I am trying a combination of Graham's blue fluid with a higher percentage of SME fluid. This can be one point I need to explore again and will order new graham fluid tomorrow. The SME fluid I just find more open and transparent and it seems to allow the music to breath easier than the blue which I find a little dull sounding. I use the SME fluid full up on the dip stick which maintains the open sound but brings a more controlled soundstage (similar in sound to other threads on this site concerning damping fluid levels but without the hassle). It is an interesting point Dan_ed and I will look into this again. I use the Wally scale for tracking force.
I do find I have always been fighting a lighter sound with the Graham 2.2 (with blue damping fluid also) in comparison with say an SME 5 and with other cartridges. The higher tracking setting does bolt the sound down more into reality with better deeper bass and projection both forward and backward but it also maintains the Grahams superb movement (musical), smoothness and dynamics.
A good point on the damping fluid, at the moment I am trying a combination of Graham's blue fluid with a higher percentage of SME fluid. This can be one point I need to explore again and will order new graham fluid tomorrow. The SME fluid I just find more open and transparent and it seems to allow the music to breath easier than the blue which I find a little dull sounding. I use the SME fluid full up on the dip stick which maintains the open sound but brings a more controlled soundstage (similar in sound to other threads on this site concerning damping fluid levels but without the hassle). It is an interesting point Dan_ed and I will look into this again. I use the Wally scale for tracking force.
I do find I have always been fighting a lighter sound with the Graham 2.2 (with blue damping fluid also) in comparison with say an SME 5 and with other cartridges. The higher tracking setting does bolt the sound down more into reality with better deeper bass and projection both forward and backward but it also maintains the Grahams superb movement (musical), smoothness and dynamics.