hi patrick
good post
much of what you say is indeed correct
in my experience
bandwidth, linearity ,dynamic range,phase integrity,neutrality are what makes the groove special to me
and lets not mentoin that inky black background
i have lent my groove out to friends and have had positive
and negative reactions to its performance
but all who have heard it in my own system understand why
i rate it so highly
today i had an interesting experience
a friend of mine has fallen in love with the performance of
the living voice aviator obxr loudspeakers
he has been offered an ex demo pair of mk1s for 2750
or he can buy a new pair of mk2s for circa 4000
he has ordered tead amps and asked me if i wouldn't mind
using my system for a home dem
obviously i agreed
the result was the mk2s worked in my system and the mk1s didn't
when questioning the dealer about this he replied
the phasing and linearity of the mk2s has been greatly improved via the crossover network which is now simpler.
the mk1s sounded flat and disjointed in comparison
my friend did order the mk2s [lucky so and so]
the point i do try to make in my posts is about system synergy
to get the best out of any product you must first fully
understand its potential and its limitations
for instance
if i place my groove+ upon a metal support my system instantly fails to perform
almost to the same degree as the living voice speaker demo
in my experience this is true for all other high end audio products as well.
have you actually heard the full tead amp?
or have i upset you with my phase nverting comment?
if so my most sincere apologies to you
what i should have said is phase linearity
we all understand that there is more than one way to create great music in the home
but we all have our own experiences good or bad.
thank you for correcting me on that one
best regards