Order of best of the best phono preamps

Here is a list of the best phono preamps based on a-goners comments:
The world class phono pre's, the reference units for many audiophiles are as follows (not in any specific order):
FM Acoustics,.............Klyne 7,.............Essential 3150,.............Basis asr exclusive,
Aesthetix IO Sig.,Manley steelhead,Wavestream,Einstein,
Nick doshi Alaap,Dartzeel NHB18ns,Tom Evans The Groove Plus,Zanden,Lamm lp2,Supratek Grange,VAC Renaissance,
Conrad Johnson Premier 15,Hagerman Trumpet,Walker Reference,
Herron VTPH-1 mc,Art Audio Reference,Artemis PL-1,K and K,BAT VKP10SE Super pack,E.A.R. 324,Thor TA-3000,Cary PH302,ARC Reference,Rowland Cadence,Syrah,JLTI,Ayre,
Pass Xono,Clearaudio Reference,Sutherland Ph.D,Whest PS.20,
Wright WPP200c,Connosieur,GSP slee era goldV,ZYX Artisan,
Linn Linto,Electron Images MCP-1,E.A.R 834p modified,
Wavac LCR-X2 mm / mc reference phonostage,Tron Seven,Boulder 2008,
What order would you place these phono preamps based on listening experiences on a familiar systems?
Any one do a shoot out comparison?
what about phono stages which are integrated? i've heard many including woodside, mac, croft, revox, spectral, accuphase, counterpoint, bryston,and others, which compete with some of the better recognized separates, but my preferences don't matter.......just buy something you love the sound of and live with it...
I would add the 47 Labs Phonocube to that mix. A truly amazing piece of equipment.
I heard them all side by side by side, etc. and there is absolutely no difference.
Good luck.