mission 775s w/774 arm...a forgotten jewel?

Added this table/arm combo to my hifi museum, and i gotta say it rocks. Somehow missed this in the 80's, and i'm very pleased to have found one today. Playing with a garrott bros. k3 and it is one of the most pleasing analogue front ends i've ever used. Anyone else have one of these?
that platter is a killer. the moter on mine seems to be fine, and i played with some cartridges to find one that worked quietly. lordy, the dynamics are stunning.i have an oracle paris, and wouldn't part it, and a thorens jubilee which i also love....but this plain looking black table is probably the best investment i've made in awhile. i saw one on audiogon today.....its pretty pricey, but i would say its worth it......your oracle is a classic indeed.
Too bad I recently sold my 776 pre and 777 amp. Beautiful design and way ahead of their time.
Dear Jaybo: I don't have any experience with the TT and a little with the tonearm, for what I can remember on this low mass tonearm it is a good tonearm but designed for low weight/high compliance cartridges, I think that there are a few models of the 774: the original and the SM, I'm not sure and I can't remember which one I heard.

Now, try to find The Mechanic: this Mission tonearm is a great quality performer ( better than the 774 ) and match in a better way today cartridges, recomended!

Regards and enjoy the music.
there is no suffix on the arm container, so i believe it to be a straight up 774 arm. i will probably keep this combo the way it is because it is literally like new and sounds great. i will look for a mechanic however for future use, given this combo's incredible performance.
I owned the arm,mounted on a Linn,way back when.I was very happy with performance.A nice product.BTW,the Mission cartridge,of that era was NOT up to the performance quality of the arm!