While I appreciate the sentiment, Win, I am not seeking particular credit for myself, or my son (who has actually contributed substantially without anyone's knowledge). He, and I, really could not care less and it is fruitless to debate with those who are never wrong. I am always reminded in these instances of my father who always said that one should NEVER feel the need to toot one's own horn. If it is a horn wth a good tune, others will toot it for you. He did go on to say that when someone acts like the one man band, though, the guys in the back rows sometimes have to stand up so that the audience might appreciate the orchestra.
With that I will take Pogue enjoiner and take my own leave. Regardless of what is said additionally to or about me here, I shall choose not to respond. ;-)
With that I will take Pogue enjoiner and take my own leave. Regardless of what is said additionally to or about me here, I shall choose not to respond. ;-)