Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II

“For those who want the moon but can't afford it or those who can afford it but like to have fun and work with their hands, I'm willing to give out a recipe for a true high-end 'table which is easy to do, and fun to make as sky's the limit on design/creativity! The cost of materials, including 'table, is roughly $200 (depending, more or less), and add to that a Rega tonearm. The results are astonishing. I'll even tell/show you how to make chipboard look like marble and fool and impress all your friends. If there's interest I'll get on with this project, if not, I'll just continue making them in my basement. The next one I make will have a Corian top and have a zebra stripe pattern! Fun! Any takers?”

The Lead in “Da Thread” as posted by Johnnantais - 2-01-04

Let the saga continue. Sail on, oh ships of Lenco!
Some posts ago I have spoken about a custom made lasercut topplate I am designing. It has now reached its final stage.
You can read all about it here:

I am now going to get a quote to see what the cost will be. I suspect that a major part of the price will be in programming the machine, so if we can spread the programming cost over as many plates as possible this just might be an affordable way to the Ultimate Lenco.

I have posted a survey here:

to see how large the production run might be. Please add your name there if you are interested.
Can you refresh our memories and provide details as to what it is you are doing?
What I propose to do is make a metal topplate that replaces the Lenco topplate. For more details please follow the links in the post above. Most info is in the first posts of the first link.
Hi Peter W, your ambitious beastie is looking to be Gorgeous in that wonderful veneer!! I have to say, that having lived with a one-armed Lenco for so long, and now having just finished my own two-armed Lenco, it feels so good to be home again. A while back I was running two small Lencos, and now I have one Giant Lenco with two tonearms. Just doesn't feel right without at least two tonearms hooked up and ready to go at the flip of a switch! Ahhhh NOW I am content!! I have one MM, my Decca, connected directly to my ARC SP-8 preamp phono stage, and the RS Labs is sporting my Denon DL-103"E" which is hooked up to my Pioneer C-90, used as a phono stage only via the tape outs, and then back into the SP-8 1st auxiliary stage. FLIP its the Decca; FLIP it's the Denon :-)! I may replace the Decca with my long-missed Ortofon M15E Super, just to hear what it can do. The Decca sounding in many ways quite close to the Denon, I want more "distance"/difference between the two.

Up here various Lencos continue to destroy the belt-drive opposition, I soon head south, Lenco on Wheels, to make the point effectively in a bigger city! As I've written before and will likely write again, and is NOT hyperbole: it is impossible to exaggerate the abilities of the Lenco, as it literally has not yet met even close to its match. Its upper limits lie way waaayyyy WAY up there, and I will continue to challenge all comers in actual demonstrations and showdowns, until I finally hit a wall: the record of actual empirical and reported comparisons will show, not certain noisome gadflies, what its true abilities - and by extension the idler-wheel principle it is an ambassador for - are. Keep your eyes peeled for news!! In fact, as I've written often, one reason I LOVE the Lenco so much is that it allows me to indulge in outrageous statements and streams of Purple Prose without actually exaggerating. It sounds like hyperbole, but how can one "hyperbolize" what has not yet met its match and so measured?!? Those who don't want to believe it - even after close on three years of non-stop reports and conversions (i.e. the hard and accumulating evidence) - are missing out on one of the few things which truly live up to the Hype (which is only hype if it isn't true, and since it's true, it isn't hype :-)!). This, of course, infuriates those noisome gadflies no end, gnashing their little mandibles, to my great entertainment. The Lenco Train and the Idler Train it is part of is still gaining steam, ain't life a Bitch ;-).

Hey Mario, sounds like quite the project, I wish you would have told me you knew Jimmy Newtron before this, I want an introduction ;-). Excellent work ReindersPeter, I look forward to the Giant 3-armed version!! I saw the cost of shipping, send mine by bottle, make it a big one.

In a strange series of synergies, my ARC SP-8 beat the crap out of my Pioneer in terms of excitement and PRaT before, then I introduced the RS Labs. In hooking it up to my system the increase in detail, imaging, transparency, in fact everything, was astounding, even over the SME V. But. There's alwats a "but". The PRaT was missing, even though the RS Labs was hooked up to the same head-amp-to-ARC phono stage the SME/Denon had been hooked up to before which raised up the Kundalini Effect. Then, in deciding to hook up both tonearms on my Lenco at once, I hooked up the RS/Denon to the Pioneer, and suddenly there was the PRaT again!! The no-PRaT-RS + the no-PRaT-Pioneer added up to excellent PRaT. Go figure. I guess two negatives make a positive. Beware the Synergy Factor. Back to the Cave!!
Small world - I used to work at the same institution with Jimmy Neutron. I didnt know he used LP's.

I have moved yet again - finally bought something - but lost my 21X21' dedicated stereo room in the deal. My new stereo room is "only" 14X20' w/ a 5X8' alcove for my electronics workbench - I know, cry for me Argentina :)

Anyhouse, I have been Lenco-less for weeks now but I have a larger work shop and THIS TIME I will have 2 systems. I have planned a vintage system for the LR - a refurbed Fisher 400C in the original (refinished) stand alone cabinet, topped by a Lenco a la Francois (stripped to the bare metal and polished in a small plinth). May put my old Dynaco A25's in the corners or try some highend floorstanders I have standing by.

My two armed monster based on a G99 should be ready about the same time. How about a 2 armed monster w/ two 12" tonearms? Watch this space!!! :)
