Hi Mario, thanks for the compliment! Actually that was early impressions I never went back to rectify: the MG-1 does indeed provide superb bass, perhaps even better than the Rega's when mounted on a Giant Direct-Coupled Lenco, and that's saying something. For an especially synergistic match, go for the Dynavector 17D MKIII. Indeed, in many cases air-bearing parallel-tracking tonearms have been criticized for woolly bass (but not all of them, like the Maplenoll). If there is any criticism of the Dynavector it is that it is over-damped in the bass (like the Audio technica OC9), which partly explains its legendary super-speedy reputation (the rest being due to good 'ol amazing engineering). But when mounted to the MG-1 on a Giant Lenco SNICK!! a perfect synergy results, with jaw-dropping tight deep and full bass, incredible dynamics, incredible detail, and awesome imaging. In fact, I was so impressed when I visited a friend with Giant Lenco/MG-1/Dyna 17D3 I decided then it was slated for my own future (factor in ease of use, and easy tonearm-wand swapping). Add in the fact the MG-1 has no "sticking" problems (common for air-bearings), has on-the-fly VTA, and fits the Lenco perfectly and to the millimetre as if they had come out of the same factory (just move the bolt-hole over roughly half-an-inch so the stylus clears the platter when at rest), and for many you have a no-brainer!! As to record wear, while I'm certain it occurs, most of my records will indeed survive my own journey into the Great Beyond ;-), as they have done already several decades many of them, in spite of pivotted tonearms.