Hi Bob, so far, so good, it at least looks as if there is a very good chance of a review, knock on a few tons of lumber, or perhaps a forest ;-), this is complicated and pricey! I have to say the Giant Direct Coupled Glass-Reinforced Lenco with RS is one of the most amazing, musical, magical, detailed and exciting combos I've ever heard (I can't stop marveling anyway, with Denon DL-103"E" from phonophono), so that at least is a nice bit of synchronicity, considering the tonearm being provided for the review is indeed the RS-A1 (though I may include a more user-friendly tonearm for the review for more casual use).
Tomorrow I deliver the prototype of the design to the lacquerer's to find out how that works out, so we'll know soon. The top-plate and platter have already been recoated. I even have someone who will build me a shipping crate!
As to e-mails, we'll see. I like freedom in my travels, which comes before all, and which is why I travel ;-), but I'll chime in with any big news if it is appropriate to do so (or maybe I'll leave it as a big surprise when Srajan publishes the review), keep your eyes open, watch this space!
Veerrrryyy interesting bit of information there Gene, I love these tidbits of idle info :-)!
This weekend I hope to mount my JMW/Ortofon Jubilee combo on my Bauhaus Lenco and report back on it, a tonearm which, also rather incredibly given its size and apparent mass, sounded utterly amazing with the vintage, high-compliance AKG P8ES MM, a Classic. Keep your eyes peeled for vintage classics all, a lot of fun and satisfaction to be had there!