Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II

“For those who want the moon but can't afford it or those who can afford it but like to have fun and work with their hands, I'm willing to give out a recipe for a true high-end 'table which is easy to do, and fun to make as sky's the limit on design/creativity! The cost of materials, including 'table, is roughly $200 (depending, more or less), and add to that a Rega tonearm. The results are astonishing. I'll even tell/show you how to make chipboard look like marble and fool and impress all your friends. If there's interest I'll get on with this project, if not, I'll just continue making them in my basement. The next one I make will have a Corian top and have a zebra stripe pattern! Fun! Any takers?”

The Lead in “Da Thread” as posted by Johnnantais - 2-01-04

Let the saga continue. Sail on, oh ships of Lenco!
I believe. I got an idler. I'd get a Lenco if they were laying around. don't pride yourself on finding something that people have been doing for a while on their own. sheesh.

So I guess the Johnnantais gave me his comeuppance. I guess I am all pro the idler and a wee bit all blanched out on the Johnnantais cult.

I guess you cannot say anything even slightly off color about the Johnnantais or you get an attitude from him and a lot of puffery.

I don't care really. Well I am off to bed now one and all. To dream idler dreams. I will arise tomorrow and sniff the thinning air for idler parts and make my daily trip to the Home Depot in Calais. Rhodes will see me next where I will bluster and puff my way through a powdery cloud of hoofah.

you guys have GOT to be joking.
well, I guess we will not see an outside non-vested party review the Johnnantais Lenco. That would put a little objective twist to things which I can only conclude that the Johnnantais does not really want.

All together now, "Good luck Johnnantais, we all love you immensely".

I am now finally completing my humble refurbishing of my TD-111. The plinth is at least on a par with the Johnnantais tables I have seen. I am willing to do an independent shootout if the Johnnantais would send me a Lenco.

BTW, this Direct Coupled thing? My understanding is that 99.9% of all idlers were direct coupled to plinth, panels, tables, consoles, etc as they were originally built for installment that way. Nothing new or Revolutionary in the direct coupled approach, it is the standard approach. There have been sprung supports and skeletal supports but I think those are more outside the box that this not new Direct coupled approach.
Dear Gadfly,
Tell me more about your TD-111 and less about your personal obsession with Jean and what you think he did or did not claim to invent or discover. No one gives a darn either way.

Dear everyone else,
Jean built me a giant plinth for my Lenco. I've had it up and running for about a week. The results are cosmetically beautiful, and the sound is divine. It makes good sounding LPs sound better than ever before and breathes life into previously disappointing ones. For these things, I am grateful to those who brought idler-driven tts to my attention in the first place and to Jean for his labors and insights.
personal obsession with Jean? I didn't think they'd post that first one so I wrote another but then and now I see that there is no gainsaying the goofy.

I don't give a darn either. bye bye. Johnnantais invented the internet.
and helpful contributions to the thread, dipwad. I know I'll be bookmarking them for future reference.
