"But while we have you here Mosin, what would do (have you done) to redesign the Lenco bearing while keeping the original spindle and platter sleeve?"
Although I did modify the bearing and spindle in the first turntable, I would not do it again. Rather, I would scrap them entirely (which I have done in this second turntable). In the first, I potted the bearing housing with an epoxy to prevent seepage of lubricant (making it quieter overall in the process), and I placed a hard stainless thrust pad over the existing one. Also, I replaced the steel ball with one of equal size, but made from silicon nitride. Next, I extended the length of the spindle, so I could layer the stock platter with a non-compliant Delrin top. Detail was increased an incredible amount. These modifications, however, changed the signature of the turntable measurably, and that goes to the crux of the entire issue because although I have a much better sounding turntable, is it a Lenco? The votes aren't in on that, yet.