Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II

“For those who want the moon but can't afford it or those who can afford it but like to have fun and work with their hands, I'm willing to give out a recipe for a true high-end 'table which is easy to do, and fun to make as sky's the limit on design/creativity! The cost of materials, including 'table, is roughly $200 (depending, more or less), and add to that a Rega tonearm. The results are astonishing. I'll even tell/show you how to make chipboard look like marble and fool and impress all your friends. If there's interest I'll get on with this project, if not, I'll just continue making them in my basement. The next one I make will have a Corian top and have a zebra stripe pattern! Fun! Any takers?”

The Lead in “Da Thread” as posted by Johnnantais - 2-01-04

Let the saga continue. Sail on, oh ships of Lenco!
Hello all, back with some more audio experimentation and information. First of all, I resurrected my Piezo YM-308 MKII MM, apparently a moving iron like the Grados, and was greeted with the same tremendous resolution of fine detail as always hit me with back in the days of the original thread. Truly stunning amounts of fine detail reminiscent of high-end LOMCs, but without quite the edge or speed of the best MCs. But, this is a plus in some systems, like say with my Athena Technologies SP-3s (their top-of-the-line before the Klipsch takeover), where the softer edges make the YM-308 MKII the Cartridge of the Day; while the JMW 10.5/Ortofon Jubilee comes across as grainy. This is because, like the Klipsch, the Athenas are horn-loaded (though not nearly as extreme as the Klipsches), and so benefit from MMs and tube electronics. I think I'll order the hundred-buck-tube-monoblock kits from Antique Electronic Supply to run both my Athenas and my Klipsch Heresy MKI (the ones with the metal horns). I remember a friend of mine bought these 8-watt wonders and they utterly outperformed a megabuck Class A SS amp when backing pricey Tetra loudpseakers and fronted by an upper-end Sonic Frontiers preamp, with, of course, a Lenco doing the grunt-work. Don't feel like spending lots of dough, and now that the amazing Antique Sound Lab Wave 8 8-watt monoblocks are no available, then the AES amps are it. Definitely worth the cost, absolutely incredible results provided they are matched to sympathetic speakers, which include true high-end speakers. Replace key capacitors with audiophile-grade ones to make the most of them. Fun too, being kits, AND cheap.

With my more neutral/refined Yamahas and ESS speakers, however, the Ortofon Jubilee is the Cartridge of the Day, as the Piezo's softer presentation becomes too much of a good thing in my very tubey-sounding system using the fab vintage SS Sony electronics. The Piezo doesn't have the slam and excitement of the Grado Woody, or the transient speed of the Ortofon M15E Super MKII, perhaps my overall fave vintage MM of All Time, with the warmth and magic of Grados and stunning resolution to boot, superior to that achievable by the Grados. The Sonus/Mayware tonearm matched to the Satin M-117 HOMC (with conical tip and replaceable stylus assembly as with MMs) takes the all-time Prime Position at the moment as overall the most musical, magical and detailed (and all this with a conical tip!!!), and - FINALLY - I have managed to track down another Satin M-117, this time a "Z", an extreme stylus profile. Whew, this might crush my Jubilee, we'll have to wait and see. Keep your eyes open for these Satin gems all, they do exist, though they seem to be as rare as the Piezos.

I'm going to start construction of a sand-box to place under my unsuspended idler-wheel drives and report on the results: hopefully all the speed and focus of unsuspended designs will remain, while all extraneous noise - which includes audio feedback in the lower frequencies, a real danger with unsuspended idler-wheel drives (the ONLY way to go), especially with low-mass unipivots and MMs - will be filtered out. Can't wait!!

Getting back to the Athena Technology speakers, previously known as Sound Dynamics (essentially identical designs in terms of crossovers) where their RTS-3 bookshelf model wowed Harry Pearson (a budget wonder getting rave reviews from him, a miracle!), these have the same Supreme way with PraT I remember from back in the Golden Days of my Antique Soudn Lab Wave 8/Sound Dynamic RTS-5 combo, which counts as one of the most musically-successful systems I ever owned: endless all-night listening sessions which had me dragging my exhausted feet to work. When I hooked them up to the Lenco/MAS/YM-308 MKII, the music was irresistable and melted me in my seat. All their speakers are easy to drive and major in dynamic ease and surprisingly good imaging and depth, and in unbelievable bass from small woofers and enclosures (how does he do it??). Anyway, the SP-3s - a three-way budget speaker which nevertheless was at the top of their heap - have truly incredible bass, tight, DEEP, and detailed, though the box does not weigh much, and which is not very big. This is a charactersitic of the man behind these speakers, who in wizardly fashion was incredibly adept at producing incredibly musical model after incredibly musical model, AND which produced incredible amounts of bass, detail and imaging at a low low price. Match any of his models - which all share a crossover point at precisely 2K, perhaps partly responsible for the musicality? - to tube electronics, and to an Idler-Wheel Drive and a PRaT-Supreme MM (or perhaps a Denon DL-103), and you will find yourselves glued to your respective seats night after night. Lenco/RN-250/Grado/AES tube amps/Athena Technology (or Sound Dynamics, both used) spells Incredible Musicality And Peformance at a Budget Price, or "IMAPBP" ;-). Let's hope the man behind these various musically magical and musically exciting deisgns (I used to know his name - he was a guitarist in a band and put his ear for music to excellent use) continues his career in speaker design: anything else would be a crime, ahem, Mr. Klipsch.

Anyway, time to try out the AKG P8ES (and the Super Nova version I also have) cartridge next!! Have fun all, I LOVE hooking up $100K+ worth of sonic performance (i.e. a Giant Direct Coupled Lenco belt-drive equivalent, if even this :-)) to budget components, now THIS is fun!!
Purple Satellite Wire. Would someone please enlighten me about using this wire in a tonearm. This is the first time that I have heard this mentioned
Hi Jean,

Glad to see you've got bubbling pots on all burners. I just got hold of a NOS Ortofon FF15E MarkII. What's the difference between mine and your M15E Super Mark II?
All best,
Hi Mario, sorry to say, the M15E Super MKII was the top model in the VMS range ever produced, though the VMS 20 and VMS 30 which folllowed it were more famous. The M15 designation was the first VMS (Variable Magnetic Shunt, being centred around a ring magnet dor, I guess, a controlled magnetic field) cartridge ever released too in 1969, the Final model of this particular one, the M15E Super MKII - being released in 1973. The FF15E is a cheaper model, though ALL VMS models stun with their musicality (first) and resolution, never heard a bad one yet. The M15E Super MKII was close on to $400, which was a LOT of dough for an MM or any cartridge back in the late '70s when it was still being produced. Recently Ortofon discontinued the M15E stylii, but when it was still available it sold for $275 USD, in comparison with $100 or less for most other VMS models, which tells you something.

The M15E Super doesn't look like much, a gold-coloured tin can with a bit of plastic at the front and an sloppy-looking cantilever, but one can't argue with results!! Actually, the Piezo also has, under magnification, nothing to write home about at the end of its cantilever to account for its extreme information-retrieval capabilities, a diamond just barely visible in a large blob of glue, but MAN does it retrieve detail and produce a neutral sound, but still with that MM edge in terms of gestalt and PRaT, though it leans more towards the cerebral than Grados or Ortofon VMS cartridges.

The King of PRaT/complex rhyhtm was, in my estimation, the late lamented Shure V15VMRX, last edition. This thing could unearth, like an paleontologist a skeleton from the earth, THE most complex timing interrelationships which were simply utterly absent with most other cartridges, like comparing a Maestro piano player playing against another Maestro, but this one wearing oven mitts while playing. Incredible, for those who have the system which can demonstrate these subtle variations in PRaT those who have such PRaT-Master speakers as Athenas/Sound Dynamics and of course, those who use idler-wheel drives, which reign Supreme here as in so many other areas (if not all ;-)). Come to think of it, I first noticed this Shure V15 quality on a belt-drive, to wit my very musical Audiomeca tunrtable, which I had bought for its very ability with rhythm, when comapred to other belt-drives at the time (which at the tinme I thought was the only system worth using, like most others at that time). Perhaps I'll track down another V15 in the near future.

Have fun all, back to the very promising AKG P8ES, whichy the first time around I actually preferred to the Super Nova model (perhaps something wrong with it though). I'm now using the Athenas, which in terms of PRaT/timing relationships simply have more discrimination than my other speakers, and so highlight this particular area of MM supremacy (excepting perhaps, for the famed Denon DL-103...I'll have to try this too via the Athenas and the Bauhaus Lenco: Black-laquered Giant Direct Coupled Lenco/RS-A1/Denon DL-103E). Vive la Idler-Wheel, Vive la Lenco, which make of timing - a Prime Ingredient of music - SUCH an obvious and inescapable thing!!
Ah well,
Can't have too many Carts. I did, however, finally pick up the right Pickering V-15 (625e) with new stylus that you mentioned on the old thread. While I enjoy the "tubey" sound, it's such light tracker (.75 - 1.4 grams) that I'll have to dedicate some future turntable project with maybe a wall mount for it.

Now that V15-Vxmr is, in fact, my fave. Purchased it new at list back when the window was just beginning to close on it at Shure. It's does the full MM extravaganza without calling attention to itself - "The Big Natural in Neutral".
This in opposition to the Pickering V-15 which does call attention to itself, albiet in an folksy, vintage type sound. Recently pulled the Vxmr out of circulation (it's about at half-life) to rotate in a few other carts.
When the Vxmr stylus has worn itself out, my plan is to have it retipped - there are some reasonably priced retip services across the Atlantic in the mother country.

Looking ahead to future idler builds, I've got two Lencos and two Metzner Starlights that that have been calling to me like hungry children. I'll probably keep it feasible and plan to do one of each this building season.
Both Metzners suffer from a material design flaw. Because of the extreme torque at the spindles, the platter sleeves have "egged out" and exhibit unacceptable platter wobble. The sleeves were of an alloy not quite up to the task over the long haul. You may remember that the Metzners have a unique drive system - no bearing per se - but direct spindle drive with a scored all metal idler, driving a rubber puck in metal frame and up to the 6 lb. platter spinning in true 16-80 rpm variable speed. The 50s era Japanese motors (made from US military surplus steel - thanks to the Marshall plan, no doubt) are 4-pole inductors that appear to be bigger cranks than the Lenco motor, but just as quite, if not more so. So there's potential... An Auto Speed shop for high performance grade valve sleeves, custom machined and pressed into the Metzner platters is the next step.
Enjoy your idleness!
- Mario