Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II

“For those who want the moon but can't afford it or those who can afford it but like to have fun and work with their hands, I'm willing to give out a recipe for a true high-end 'table which is easy to do, and fun to make as sky's the limit on design/creativity! The cost of materials, including 'table, is roughly $200 (depending, more or less), and add to that a Rega tonearm. The results are astonishing. I'll even tell/show you how to make chipboard look like marble and fool and impress all your friends. If there's interest I'll get on with this project, if not, I'll just continue making them in my basement. The next one I make will have a Corian top and have a zebra stripe pattern! Fun! Any takers?”

The Lead in “Da Thread” as posted by Johnnantais - 2-01-04

Let the saga continue. Sail on, oh ships of Lenco!


I have sworn off the thread, but please don't take too much credit for anything I have done, or am doing. You did not start me on my journey of turntable building. I have explored many avenues, including string drives, etc., and yes, the Lenco avenue. What turntable maker wouldn't look into the past to see what came before? Fresh designs shouldn't emulate the past, however, because doing that would be the antithesis of fresh. Still, nothing new is created in a vacuum. In the e-mail I sent you, I merely pointed out that my turntable is in no way related to a Lenco, aside from being an idler, because in the end, I chose an entirely different path. That e-mail was necessary only to correct a misconception that can be read into certain posts here, and that is all. The Lenco wasn't even the first idler that I explored, nor was it the last. It is true that certain aspects of the Lenco interest me, but there is no panacea offered by it, as far as I am concerned. In any event, I cannot see how that would offend you, or seem "crowing", as you say. In fact, you should be thrilled, so please don't make future references to me at all. It is appropriate, as we are obviously on different planes when it comes to turntable design.

Unless my name is mentioned again, I will post no more. I have other things to occupy my time.


"As to your ugly crowing and prancing about"
One has to smile at that as Jean Natais pounds his concave chest.

"Teres uses a term I coined and created to explain how to achieve incredible results from Idler Wheel drives: "Direct Coupling."
- I will interpret this as Jean Natais invented the internet.

I will let stand your latest post as the chisel work on the gravestone of your popularity.
Hey, good for you Gadfly. Your next assignment: Learn to spell his name :-)
Maybe its time to end Da Thread, Lenco Heaven and Lenco Lovers?
Twelve step program could go something like this:
-get some ply wood
-get a lenco
-throw the arm away
-get an RB300
-get a 103
OK, ya'll can add some more steps.
- Oh. one more step; email Mario, and get the the original thread which was mysteriously deleted at 4k+ hits.
This is where it started with me and many others when we saw a post about building a great turntable for 200 bucks, posted by some crazy nut. If you don't feel like sending Mario an email, (leave him alone, I'm sure he'd rather listen to some tunes), and simply see the 5 steps posted above, that's the basics.
This is where I first heard of a Lenco. I was actually prepared to buy a used (expensive) table. But when I emailed the seller, he said it had sold. Then he said, "the Lenco kicks the ass of the ..." (insert table name which the seller had just sold).
Now, I, like others, take the ideas which are shared on this thread- which Jean created, and lucky for us, Mario saved- and build some excellent, affordable* turntables.
I use the word lucky. Ideas are shared openly and transparently. At least that's been so with most of the Lenco fanatics on this thread.
*Affordable? The great Lenco was a stealing deal back when Jean started da thread. Now, even eBay seems to be looking for some.
Here goes: Lencos Anonymous
My user name is Oregon:I have several Lencos that I listen to, several which I've sold and some for sale. It baffles me that some folks would spend 40 THOUSAND DOLLARS for a turntable when there is a superb table which will bring the music from the grooves of your records to your grateful ears and still give you MORE pleasure. Just think of all the records you could buy with the $32,000.00 you have left over? Just think of all the synapses bursting in euphoric joy and sorrow when the MUSIC calls for it?
Jimi slicing down a mountain and building islands...
Beethoven and Schiller calling out to humanity...
Dylan opening a window...
Mozart reaching us through a clarinet...
Coltrane injecting us...

I quit the LA.
Time to put some records on!

" Maybe its time to end Da Thread, Lenco Heaven and Lenco Lovers?"

Why??? As long as Lenco Lovers is concerned, we are having a lot of fun, and if you would pay a visit, you would see that the last and final word on plinths has not been said yet!
