The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
In my dedicated (so to speak) room, listening to classical and jazz music, by FAR, the Silverline Boleros.

The difference these speakers have made is profound. Now I know why some people become evangelistic about some audio stuff and say how the thingies allow them to relax and let the music flow. All of that and I don't feel I'm giving up anything important to audiophilia.

Detail/resolution in spades yet no brightness, just liquidity. Great balance. Its been interesting hearing a lot of old electronics, etc, which no longer have their potential inhibited by speakers. I've found a few very plesant surprises amoungst them. Time to sell all of my other speaker sets, save a back up set. :-)
how about the DALI suite 2.8 tower speakers ???

please give me some feedbacks....thanks.
Tannoy GRFs driven by classic Marantz tubes. Sounded great on classical music...but fell apart on rock
Just got a pair of Von Schweickert VR-7SE's and after barely 80 hours of break-in, they are already something very special with my VAC tubes. Way too early for a full review - I am starting to realize why people rave about these speakers worldwide. Very impressive so far.......
in all areas of life, there is no best of anything.

there are too many variables, and some of them will be imprecisely measured, so that judgement is unreliable.

many speakers have been mentioned in this discussion.
it is therefore not possible to say what is best. the criteria used to judge vary with the person who is doing the judging.
it is a fruitless exercise. it is sufficient to like something and consider it a favorite without concern for its quality. as long as you like it, in this case the sound of a speaker, nothing else matters.

the notion of "best" is a philosophical argument which has no conclusion.