5 tables one choice, opinions please

VPI Scout with JM9 arm
Rega P5
Music Hall MMF9
NOTTINGHAM HORIZON with upgrade arm

Wich do you feel is best of these similar priced tables for strictly Classical Music, whatever option it will be paired with a MM cart in the $500 or so ball park, thanks
How does Acoustic Signature compares to Nottingham ?
What are attributes of Acoustic Signature sound ?
As I noted in my post, I only heard the Nottingham very briefly w/ an unfamiliar cart in a very different system. I couldn't meaningfully compare it to any of the other 'tables I heard.

As to the more controlled comparisons with VPI, Rega, Project, Music Hall, A-Signature, Clearaudio/Marantz, Transrotor and a couple of others:

IMHO The A-Solid Wood had the most extended bass of the 'tables I heard, although there is definitely a slight but audible "wooliness" from the midbass down. (In a direct comparison to the Oracle/ Graham 2.2/Graham Nightingale through the multiple inputs on the Aesthetix Rhea in my main system, the A-Sig with a Clearaudio Aurum Beta S in place of the supplied Ortofon re produced slightly but audibly more extended and pitch stable organ pedal tones than the Oracle/Graham set-up). Although extended bass tones were notably pitch stable, there were also artifacts that imparted a bit of wooliness around the fundamental that was absent from the Oracle set-up. Eventually, I will probably try one of the many RB300 mods just to see if this helps.

Overall pitch definition was also audibly superior on the A-Sig to any of the other tables I really listened to(other than the Oracle Graham from mid-bass up). I'd note however, that the Transrotor was very, very good in this regard and I've seen complaints about the brand in this regard- so go figure.

I'd only add that the "more controlled" comparisons I did while shopping were hardly perfect. There were many variables involved which I attempted to control for by subbing CD versions of the same musical source material into each system as a "reference point" - hardly perfect, but useful in comparing two analog sources throug a single system in one store to 2different analog sources through a single system in anoher store.

OTOH, the Oracle/Graham vs A-Solid vs Transrotor comparison I did in my system was rigidly controlled.

Hope this is helpful.

The Nottingham Space Deck, not the Horizon, is a more appropriate comparison to the Scout. In that scenario the Nottingham is clearly a better table/arm combo.
I had the VPI Scout which I liked but I got the upgrade bug and sold it.

I purchased the Nott able and am very, very pleased with it.

I had some trepidation originally regarding the idiosyncratic nature of the table:

--No arm lift lever on the headshell (supposedly sets up resonance in the tonearm)with the supplied arm.

--You have to start the table by rotating the platter.

--You have to stop it buy manually stopping the platter.

BUT, the results are truly astounding. Build quality is excellent.

I can very highly recommend Larry at Hollywood Sound. He walked me thru the set-up on the phone and was very patient. Nott is highly under-rated in the US because they do not advertise in Stereophile or TAS.

Good luck.
Bill (Audiofeil), The Spacedeck ($3000) is almost twice the price of the Scout ($1600). The Horizon is much closer in price to the Scout. Of course, the Spacedeck is a far better table than any of the VPIs, I heard to date (including the VPI Junior TNT etc.). As for the Horizon-Scout comparison, I am not sure which one would take the lead.

If considering table above $2K, I would also take into account the new Galibier Serac that is due out this Fall. For $2.5K including RB250, it sounds like one of the best prospects for good sound.
