Bogen B62 / Lenco L62

I just got one of these in good condition. I understand that the Bogen is a rebadged Lenco but I didn't get any info with it and the web hasn't turn up a whole lot. Anyone with info?
Hi Fred,

I hadn't seen a B62 before either - not even any pics on lencoland. It's an idler with a heavy platter (speed control is on the left). I've seen L75s and a few others but this is the first 62. It's in very nice condition so I intend to refurb it and was hoping to find someone with some experience or a manual or...??
Oh, and if you have an e-mail address to get hold of the guy running Lencoland or...someone keeping up a website on Lencos...I'll get hold of them and get them some pics - at least that's something for the next person looking. :)
The Bogen B62 is a dressed-up version of the Bogen B61. Where the B61 was a rather drab plain light grey, the B62 is charcoal grey with a brushed chrome trim plate on the right side. Under the skin they are identical.

The Bogen versions of the LIGHT platter Lencos were the B50 series.

See photo of Bogen B62 at: