Do you protect your hearing?

My Dad's hearing has been bad for a while and he recently had to get hearing aids. I'm a relatively young man and I know I have not used proper hearing protection throughout my life. This audio stuff is a wonderful thing and something I'd like to enjoy my entire life, so I have been more aware of noise in my everyday life. My job requires me to work in a sometimes loud environment and my other hobby is woodworking. For about the last 5 years or so, I have made a conscious effort to wear hearing protection when I'm in such an environments. Just recently I started to use hearing protection while cutting the grass, something I wouldn't have considered in the past. Has your interest in audio caused you to be more aware of hearing protection or am I the only anal one here?
Perfectionist - it's not an "issue" for disagreement. It's a fact. Tests have been performed - results have been documented. The level of wind noise in even the best full-coverage helmet is high enough that riding for several hours at speed will cause hearing damage unless supplementary ear protection (i.e. earplugs) are used. The helmet alone is not enough.
I am going to be a little off topic here to. What about te I-Pod that I will finally give in and buy. This is solely earplugs, perhaps the worst thing you can do to your auditory system. For a portable storage mediumn nothing is better ( except a record bag, Ha Ha) but to hold 5000 songs in the palm of your hand is amazing. We see kids & adults with those devices in ears for hours upon end. Is there any safe way to listen to an I-Pod (soley) without losing your hearing.
It's not the ear plugs that harm your hearing, it's the high levels that can be achieved. Keep the level down down and your hearing should not be harmed. If it sounds loud, it probably is too high.
