Step up above Acoustic Signature Mambo

I have been happy with my Acoustic signature Mambo for almost a year now. Being new to analog, I haven't done any experimentation with various turntables , arms, phono preamps or that many cartridges. So, at this point, I don't know how much I can improve things and where the best improvements could be made.

Question, would the TW Acustic Raven AC be a significant improvement over the Mambo or would funds be better directed to soemthing else? Phono preamp? Speakers?

Dear Dan: Yes, it would. Please tell me what can we do about: I'm open. Can you e-mail me?

Regards and enjoy the music.

I just got in and saw your email, I've sent you a reply. This week isn't going to work for me. I keep forgetting how close to Christmas we are. Let's try to do this in the future.

I look forward to hearing Andrew's report!



Hi Andrew,

Could you update us on the wonders that Raul worked on your sound?

Also, have you discovered any more information on your question about the Mambo vs. Raven?

