Arm lift options beside Stylift

Does anyone know of any arm lift devices besides the Stylift? I know Thorens and Audio Technica used to make spring powered arm lifts. I've got the Stylift, but find it annoying the way it wacks the arm, and finicky about placement to the point of being not usefull for may albums.
Any ideas about what might be out there?
I see. The TonaL uses a magnet, which is brought into close proximity to another magnet on the tonearm when the tonearm contacts the bent wire that causes the lifting devices pivot arm with the magnet on the end to lower towards the tonearms counterpart magnet and then they both bob back up enough to lift the tonearm?
Maybe that's it.
Something like that yes. I haven't examined it closely.
My little contraption is not in use now, but I made a video clip:

As you see, the motion is more twitchy. I taped a tiny piece of metal on the arm and mounted a little magnet above the area of the run-out groove.
You can read about the latest on the Tonal including its availability in the following site:
Thorens is my choice. I thought the money I spent on one long a ago a high priced rip off, but the value has lasted through the years.

Adjustable lift power and height, I wish they woudl build them again. Many people do not know what these things are or have never even considered an end of record lift since they were dissed by Hi Fi writers long ago wanting to go snob superior to consumer inferior positions in their writings.

This was back when the industry was new and writers had much more influence, we were all looking for answers. It was thought they detracted from the sound. At my level of sound reproduction it adds to the enjoyment, and takes away nothing.