Alcohol + Vinyl = Disaster...

I aways try to stay away from 'home' so to speak, when I have consumed some alcohol.

The reason: I know I will try to play some LP's and I know I will smash the cartridge into the record. Period. (I do not trust myself when I get 'phylosophical'.)

Luckely it has not happened to me yet. I have heard some dreadful stories of vinyl lovers busting a +/-$2000 pick-up when 'intoxicated'. Shame!

I guess there is some very 'interesting' stories regarding this subject... please do share.

Kind regards,
Dewald Visser
Did you mean:

"Massive Quantities of Alcohol + Vinyl = Disaster"

In that case, I would think tweeters, CD transports and open amplifiers are also not recommended as mixers.

Champagne left a mark on my Levinson transport that was particulary stubborn.

On that occasion, I would say it was worth it, however.
I just don't like the idea of operating my system after a few swags... You know what I mean? Espescially the turntable...

But with each guy it is different... I can do about 10 martini's and 'feel' rather fine but some of my buddies get slammed to the ground after 2 beers!

Audio + Alcohol don't mix!

Dewald V
Cw, you've started a story, now you must finish it. Inquiring minds want to know.
I've found the best defense is to drink large quantities of vino every day - helps build up a resistance to the stuff. I'm not sure what my vinyl rig sounds like when sober...;-)