Alcohol + Vinyl = Disaster...

I aways try to stay away from 'home' so to speak, when I have consumed some alcohol.

The reason: I know I will try to play some LP's and I know I will smash the cartridge into the record. Period. (I do not trust myself when I get 'phylosophical'.)

Luckely it has not happened to me yet. I have heard some dreadful stories of vinyl lovers busting a +/-$2000 pick-up when 'intoxicated'. Shame!

I guess there is some very 'interesting' stories regarding this subject... please do share.

Kind regards,
Dewald Visser
I have a basement rig with just a CD player direct into a Parasound amp with Volume into JBL speakers, I smoke in the basement only so generally when I drink I hang down there, good rig for jamming with no real worry of damage.
My problem has never been messing with equipment, even vinyl when Intoxed......its the damn Volume that gets dangerous... hard on the speakers and anyone unfortunate enough to be around when I get the urge to crank it.
I guess there is some very 'interesting' stories regarding this subject... please do share.

I'd rather not.............THE HORROR.........THE horror..........the horror.......................the horror.......................................
Well let's just say that I've never had any problems playing LP's after a drink or two, but I've learned that you need to be TOTALLY sober when setting up a cartridge.

I wasn't hammered, but I'd had 3 beers, and managed to snap the cantilever on a brand new $7000 cartridge while setting the tracking force on my new digital scale. :-(

Now you know why I'd prefer not talking about it.

I have no problems with playing ether of my systems after a few drinks, and quite honestly enjoy having a cocktail when listening to them! Then again I don't have a turntable at the moment so it's less risky spinning little silver disks...

I DO NOT ever rewire or change out components in my system after even a beer though! Luckily for me it's only cost me an amp fuse and a pair of tweeters to date but that was enough to realize the error of my ways, and stop it!