John is correct. I have sold my Esoteric Dv-50s. I said goodbye to it after watching the Lord of the Rings Special Edition triology. A 12 hour event. The Esoteric is by far the best player via movie soundtracks, but music wise, it was just was too detailed and a bit harsh. Shopping around, I am happy to say I did hear my first very pleasing Vinyl sound demo. It was in Audio Synergey (I'll give them a plug) in Philipsburg, NJ. I listend to a Krell 400XI, Krell Resolution 3 Montiors and he had a Krell 300 CD player and some $200- Czech Record Player. I was quite taken back to how good it sounded, especially for $200-. Sounded great with the Krell gear. I am thinking of going back and getting it and hitting some record stores. I know there is one down in Princeton, NJ that sells records for like a $1-. Once again, thanks to everyone that has responded to the forum. They all seem somewhat enthusiastic.