Motor repair for Goldmund Studio TT /w Pabst motor

Well, either I am seriously forum challenged (a possibility) or for the second time my thread on this subject has been removed and is not in the archives. I thought they archived everything, but I guess not. Moderator, could you please stop deleting this. Every time you do I lose all the posts from forum members.

I sent my motor to an electronics firm in California recommended by a friend in the industry. They took one look at it and wouldn't touch it because it had electronics in it and, I guess, they don't do that stuff.

The good news seems to be that the motor windings are very likely ok and the problem actually seems to be related to the internal electronics parts.

Since I saw smoke come out of the motor during my initial investigation of the problem, I had thought the windings were compromised. Removing the bottom cover of the motor reveals a circular circuit board but also visible through a gap where the wires enter the motor are some additional electronics parts. So, when the motor was returned to me I set about disassembling the damn thing myself. In addition to removing the bottom cover, this required removing a couple of C clips and other various bits.

I was expecting to see some heat damage but everything looks fine. There are a lot of Caps, Resistors, Transistors and other three terminal devices in this thing. I am leaning toward the theory that one or more of these transistors have failed and I will be testing them to see if I can locate the problem.

Word on the street has been that Pabst of Germany went out of business in the early '80s. However, in the latest issue of TAS I noted that the review of the Raven AC 3 TT mentioned that it uses a Pabst motor.
Bad news. The guy that I put so much faith in doesn't want to spend any more time with my motor, even though he never completely isolated the problem. He has a back log of work and thinks he could repair three of his typical jobs for the time it would take him with my motor. It's a complete cop out. I still think he could probably help me get it going again but he isn't willing. We never even discussed a fee for the work. I would have been willing to pay him for his time. I have few alternatives. The last time I talked to him he told me all the things he thinks I should do to find and repair the problem. I went to him because he is better equipped and prepared for such work. Overall, very disappointing. I've set the motor aside for the moment. Maybe when I'm not so annoyed I'll start in on it again.
Willster, this is from Arthur Salvatore's site, maybe you can get some ideas from it:

Below is potentially "Great News" for the owners of the Goldmund Studio turntables. It is from a veteran reader and contributor to this site; Here it is, slightly edited;

"...I found out that an EDS-900 Dual 704 motor is nearly identical to the one used in early Goldmunds. Furthermore, the EDS-1000, used in the Dual 701/721, is an IMPROVED vesrsion. I recently aquired three junky Duals and will check these motors out. If this, indeed, is true, than older Goldmunds can be kept going indefinitely. Dual Europe has both new EDS-900 ($300) and the EDS-1000 ($650) in stock, but they can be salvaged form old tables for next to nothing (I paid $140 for three). Will keep you posted as to feasabilty of retrofitting. You can let all stranded Goldmund owners get in touch with me for any questions they have. Goldmund Europe still has miniature motors for the arm in stock ($300 a pop)."

This update from the same reader arrived a few days later;

"Dual motor update: Dual 701/721 motors are larger in diameter, so some machining is required. Other than that, they could be used. Of course a HANDY guy can do it. Dual power supply must be used. Not a DIRECT replacement, no. Dual 704 looks to be much closer from a picture, but I won't know till I get it (next week)."

Futher Correspondence- These updates are from the same helpful reader above. After a little editing;

"Final breakdown on the replacement motors from Dual tables:

Dual 701/721, EDS 1000/EDS 1000-II- These motors are 5.5" in diameter, while the original Goldmund Papst is 4 3/8", so machining is required.

Dual 704 (may be also 504, never got that, EDS 500 motor), EDS 900 motor- IDENTICAL top, diameter, color etc. Major difference: circuit board extension beyond housing about 0.5" x 1.5", so some machining is required. This motor is not as thick as the original, has less of a magnet and as a result, less torque. Dual's own platter is much lighter.

EDS 1000 has more torque and it is smoother than original Goldmund. There is a posting on Audio Asylum by a Goldmund Studietto owner who actually wanted to replace a WORKING Papst with an EDS 1000 to acheive smoother ride.

Further, both motors are fed via their own electronics, and MUST be used with it. It is not bulky, will fit inside. All in all, I would only recommend these if all other options are exausted (that is, the original motor replacement at about $500, if you can find one). I paid $50 for a Dual 704, so it is a cheap fix, but Goldmund platter probably will have to be given a spin to start turning!

The last word- The Dual 704 (EDS 900) motor definitely wouldn't work - not enough torque. So forget about quick cheap fixes."

Personal Note- This reader deserves thanks for sharing his time, investment and efforts. After everything is said and one, the EDS 1000 motors, found in the Dual 701/721, can still work, though "some machining is required". They may even provide an improvement!
Willster, it would be extremely helpful to those seeking to assist you if you would post a link to some photos of the motor, the electronics, the deck itself (showing motor location) and anything else even potentially germane to your issue.

Without real visuals, we've only our imaginations to guide us.

I'm sure you're getting frustrated, but this problem is one that can be resolved, so hang in, and take some photos.
Thanks for the info. I ran across this discussion of using a Dual motor quite some time ago and am not quite ready to butcher my turntable in order to make the Dual motor fit, although it might come to that.

I can send pictures to anyone who wants them, but I don't have a website where I can post information.

At this point, I think my motor is fixable. I just put too much faith in the wrong guy. I may end up doing the work myself since no one else has proved reliable. There appears to be a dead short somewhere and I don't think the motor windings are damaged. My current top suspect is a voltage regulator. So, if I can sort out where the fault is, I should be able to affect repairs. I have a good understanding of electronics, but I don't have any experience troubleshooting.

Each failed attempt at finding repair help has at least revealed additional info about the motor and it's condition. Hopefully, at some point the accumulated insights will reach critical mass and I'll get results, either by doing it myself or by finding appropriate help.

Thanks to all who have taken an interest. I do appreciate it.
Willster, you're nothing if not thorough! Please come back and update this thread as you progress.

One other idea I had (which at this point I'd not be surprised to learn you've tried) is to e-mail the fellow that has this site:
He may have other sources we don't know about. Good luck.