How Do You Measure VTF?

Does antiskate affect VTF? I measure the VTF in different points of my scale & the measurements vary. I have my antiskate active during this time. I used calibrated weights on my scale at different points and the weight remained constant. This was done using a point source as a weight. This was referenced on a $1500 diamond scale (too big to use to check VTF). My cheapie scale is within 0.01 of a gram consistently. I am guessing I should disengage AS prior to determining VTF. But... does a cartridge manufacturer want VTF determined w. AS force taken into account as part of the cumulative VTF? Any ideas.
Always measure VTF with AS off, for 2 reasons:

1. You can't get an accurate VTF with AS on, and
2. You could damage your stylus if the AS force causes it to slide sideways off the weighing platform.
Dear Darren: As Neil already posted, you have to measure the VTF with out AS. No, the manufacturer cartridge does not ask to measure with AS, at least I don't have any notice about.

regards and enjoy the music.
Agree with Neil and Raul.

Of course if your weighing platform is at record height and is "perfectly" smooth and level, AS "shouldn't" affect VTF. A properly designed AS device pulls the arm directly sideways with no vertical component at all.

But of course nothing's perfect. Even microscopic irregularities on the platform would cause a moving stylus to snag, bounce, etc. This could alter effective VTF by more than .01g.

There's no reason to encourage your stylus to go sliding sideways when you're trying to keep it steady at one point.