tonearm questions

Have there been changes to the SME V over the years; that is, are the newer ones different in any way?

I can't find much discussion about the the Rega RB-1000. Anybody have any thoughts?

Lastly, other than being upgraded, is there any difference sonically between an upgraded Graham 1.5 and a full out 2.2?

These are the options I am looking at for a suspension table.

Sorry, there are a bunch of unrelated questions here. I am on the verge of pulling the trigger on a new tonearm for an Oracle tt, which is a suspension tt. I have heard both a Graham 2.2 and a SME V,( but not back to back), on the same rig, and both times I was impressed. What I am trying to figure out, is what is a good match for a suspension tt. From what I understand, traditionally, it has been the SME style.

As I am probably buying second hand, I was trying to figure out a few things:

1. Whether there is any difference between an upgraded 1.5 (to a 2.2) or one that was bought as a 2.2).

2. The SME V has been around for approx. twenty years, and I was wondering if there have been subtle changes over the time. Is a 1985 SME V the same as a 2006 SME V?

3. Lastly, there does not seem to be much discussion about the Rega RB 1000. Is this arm just not in the same category?

Dear Quadtriumph: The only change over the years on the V was the internal wire. The V is the " natural " couple for your Oracle.

The RB1000 is a very good tonearm but the V is more versatile.

Which your cartridge?

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul is correct about the internal wire being better on the new SME V. HOWEVER, if you buy an older one, and send it back to the factory for service (which you should do anyway) SME can install an even BETTER van den Hul wire than what they put in their current production arms.

That's what I did with my 16 y.o. arm.

I don't like suspended tables, mostly because I think they're a pain in the ass to use, but a unipivot on a suspended table -- I don't think so ;--)
I'd agree with the Raul and Nsgarch. The SME would be the better choice. I don't think the unipivot on a suspended table is necessarily bad, Basis has been doing it well for years. If you want a uni, I'd suggest saving up some more and getting the Phantom or a Basis Vector. MY .02.


Thanks for the responses. I was planning on mating it with one of the Denon MC cartridges for now, possibly a 301. I will be jumping from a SME 3009 +linn Adikt. I guess you might say it is a big jump, but I don't see an reason to make lots of little jumps in between.

Regarding the vdh wiring, is there a big difference between the 150s 150m and 300 M? Which do they use? I read somewhere that the rewire with non standard wire made a significant difference.

It appears somewhat popular to knock the V, but given that it was designed with suspension in mind, it is probably the best choice. Could someone please explain what in particular makes it a better match, other than it is not a uni-pivot. Is there anything else I should look at?

Lastly, if I buy used, do the Vs bearings suffer with age? I presume the tightness of the bearings are critical to the success of the tonearm.

Thanks again