Breaking in a new cartridge,..Denon DL 103 R.

Just installed a R today in replacement of the 103 regular.
What is the breaking period time on that cartridge and which aspects of it's early stage sound should be expected to improved once it's '' done it's time ''.
"I really have not noticed any "filtering" effect of the micro-dynamic information by using step-up transformers but perhaps you are speaking more of the readily available commercial versions."

Tom, you would be completely correct in my case. Do you have an opinion on the MU step-ups? I love my Alaap MC FET but I also love to tinker!


Although I have never heard one, I can't blame you about liking the Nick Doshi Alaap MC FET active step-up. Seems like custom made stuff that is easily tweaked by the user. Probably not for the average bear though.

Bent Audio Mu step ups do not interest me as they also seem like a compromise for the masses. Small transformers, resistive loading, etc.

DaVinci MC step-up transformers look like something that is noteworthy but I have never heard one, nor do I know how much they cost. However they appear to be REAL magnetics and not tinker toys in a fancy box.

Just my $0.02 worth.

Are using a Tri-planar still or a Schroder?
Tweaky? Not sure what you mean, I haven't tweaked anything on the Alaap and the custom features I went with were just simpler volume controls and a range of phono input loads. I thought we were talking about stuff that was not so generic, but you mention "not for the average bear". I'm not pokin' any sticks but I'm a bit confused. Then again, I don't remember all of the options Nick offers. :)

The MU interests me because of the flexibility of loading. I don't understand from experience how resistive loading is a compromise.

Yep, I use my triplanar. I'm not inclined to wait 1 1/2 to 2 years for a schroeder. And that's no slam on Frank, he makes a fabulous tonearm. It is more a realization that a one man assembly line has multiple points of failure.

