The Cartridgeman Isolater.

This device get sandwiched between the cartridge and
the arm and could potentially bring down the noise floor
by 3db.
Has anyone here tried it ?
I woud be curious to know about the specific qualitative
influences it might had brought to your sound.
I also wonder what is the principle at work.......
hi all
iv'e used the isolator on my three carts that i have owned and found it only improved the performance of one
However it did not adversly affect the performance of the other two at all.
in certain circumstances this little tweak works and is a real improvement for a quite small outlay
but it is very unpredictable.
worth a gamble
all the best
I don't want to sound critical of the isolator but the Koetsu cartridges love mass. The isolator does just that and it makes a huge difference. It is a wonderful solution when the tonearm is not the right match for the cartridge. I placed my Koetsu in the Ikeda and that accomplished the same. I also used some blue tak and it accomplished the same. A much less expensive solution.
Hi Dgad.

The Isolater will add a very small amount of mass, and that may have some sonic advantages with some carts. However, what I heard when using the Isolator was the result of the decoupling. So I don't think adding blu-tak will have the same effect.


I know the Koetsu's luv mass. I had a 3gm headshell weight on prior to using the 2gm isolator. The added mass has nothing to do with the big change the isolator brought to the musical equation.

I have also played around with blu tack extensively, on the headshell and strategically placed along the arm tube. It does make a differences but only in certain frequencies and is cartridge dependant. It added bass weight to my system, however also made the tempo more clumsy and lumpy with the koetsu.
The isolator changed all the frequencies for the better and has made the top to bottom coherence so much musically better.

funny I have now received my 2nd isolator to put onto the other arm wand with my dyna xv-1. BUT I am in no hurry to do it. the system is sounding that nice with the isolator/koetsu combo.

Anyway, it is very easy for all of us to be critical of something seemingly simple that many of us can "somewhat replicate" at home.
For me proof is in the listening and the isolator is THE BEST $150 I have ever spent on my hi fi.
With all the money we spend on out hi fi, especially cables and tweaks, the $150 on the isolator is trivial if it works in your system - like it has for me.


If anyone wants to see the new version of the isolator see attached link of it with my Koetsu.
