There seems to be an interest renaissance in the 'isolator'. From another post elsewhere, I read someone googled 'micro-spiralex' and came up with almost zilch. I don't want to undermine anyone's effort to make money for himself @ 150 bucks a pop....BUT several things bother me with this device: All positive comments about it have come from users or reviewers, so all said or written is or was subjective and without any MEASURED PROOF UNDER LAB CONDITIONS as to what this thing actually does. The maker of the device is an old hand at 'musicmakering'. Surely somewhere in his country is an acoustics measuring lab where he can get lab-controlled measurements done and supply the results to his buyers or dealers. Wellknown reviewers have given this device glowing praise without informing their readers anything at all as to WHY this device 'improves' what their users hear or HOW it does it. Is buying this device an acknowledgement that phono cartridges generally are not fully developed for optimum performance?
Many years ago, in the Netherlands - there was an episode to do with tulip bulbs. No-one questioned anything about what was happening at the time. I am NOT saying two stainless steel plates and a sliver of 'micro-spiralex' sandwiched between them will not get you closer to vinyl nirvana. I just want to know WHY.
Before I conclude this rant, I'd like to mention a dear friend who dabbled in needle experiments and fancied himself as a wannabe maker of transducers. He toiled for years to make a needle and periodically, called his friends to his listening room to hear if what he had made, met with their approval.
Each time the poor guy was disappointed as his friends tut-tutted in sympathetic condemnation. After more time, the guy became computer literate and suddenly, he had the whole world as a research oyster for what he was trying to make. Very quickly, He produced something his golden- eared friends applauded enthusiastically.
Thinking about commercial success, he took himself and his needle off to an acoustics lab. First they spun some music and the lab technician's jaw dropped. Then, the professional test discs and meters came out. The verdict? Very poor channel separation and completely inappropriate frequency responses throughout the test bands. But what the dear friend made, still sounded most pleasing to himself and his golden-eared friends.
Rant ended.
There seems to be an interest renaissance in the 'isolator'. From another post elsewhere, I read someone googled 'micro-spiralex' and came up with almost zilch. I don't want to undermine anyone's effort to make money for himself @ 150 bucks a pop....BUT several things bother me with this device: All positive comments about it have come from users or reviewers, so all said or written is or was subjective and without any MEASURED PROOF UNDER LAB CONDITIONS as to what this thing actually does. The maker of the device is an old hand at 'musicmakering'. Surely somewhere in his country is an acoustics measuring lab where he can get lab-controlled measurements done and supply the results to his buyers or dealers. Wellknown reviewers have given this device glowing praise without informing their readers anything at all as to WHY this device 'improves' what their users hear or HOW it does it. Is buying this device an acknowledgement that phono cartridges generally are not fully developed for optimum performance?
Many years ago, in the Netherlands - there was an episode to do with tulip bulbs. No-one questioned anything about what was happening at the time. I am NOT saying two stainless steel plates and a sliver of 'micro-spiralex' sandwiched between them will not get you closer to vinyl nirvana. I just want to know WHY.
Before I conclude this rant, I'd like to mention a dear friend who dabbled in needle experiments and fancied himself as a wannabe maker of transducers. He toiled for years to make a needle and periodically, called his friends to his listening room to hear if what he had made, met with their approval.
Each time the poor guy was disappointed as his friends tut-tutted in sympathetic condemnation. After more time, the guy became computer literate and suddenly, he had the whole world as a research oyster for what he was trying to make. Very quickly, He produced something his golden- eared friends applauded enthusiastically.
Thinking about commercial success, he took himself and his needle off to an acoustics lab. First they spun some music and the lab technician's jaw dropped. Then, the professional test discs and meters came out. The verdict? Very poor channel separation and completely inappropriate frequency responses throughout the test bands. But what the dear friend made, still sounded most pleasing to himself and his golden-eared friends.
Rant ended.