Analogue Synergy....Which is the best Cartridge?

I'm getting back slowly into vinyl with the hopes of upgrading my Linn Axis/Basic Plus tonearm in the next couple years. I recently acquired the PS Audio GCPH phono preamp for my system because I thought it offered the most flexibility in terms of upgrading into a wide variety of cartridges. I'm currently using the Linn K9 cartridge.

I want to upgrade my cartridge next and am looking at the following:
Sumiko Blackbird
Shelter 501
Benz Micro Glider
Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood
Dynavector Karat

I've not personally heard any of these cartridges (only read the reviews) but I'm leaning towards the Shelter 501 primarily because it seems to offer the most bang for your buck.

Given my current Linn Basic Plus arm, which cartridge would allow me the best match for my current system. My upgrade path will likely include the VPI Scout with Signature 9 arm in the future.

Can any audiophiles out there with knowledge about cartridge output, tonearm mass, and phono preamps suggest a good match for me? My associated electronics include Aesthetix Calypso, YBA Alpha 2 amplifier, and mentioned earlier, the PS Audio GCPH phono preamp.

Another question, some cartridges have lo, medium and high outputs to match with a wide variety of phono stages. Are the lower output cartridges supposed to sound better?

I would appreciate your input!
Thank you!
When I was usimg a Basik Plus arm, a Shure V15VxMR matched very nicely. It sounded good too.
The Denon 103R is the best value out there and a good solid cartridge.
For a bit more money, I would go with the ZYX line before the Shelter group.
Agree with Cello. Every Zyx at a comparable Shelter price point is a clear mismatch; the Zyx wins hands down.

The Denon 103R OTOH may be the single best "value" in phono cartridges today. IMO, in the right tonearm, it embarrasses the Shelter 501 and Sumiko Blackbird.
Thank you for your recommendations. To be honest, I've never heard of the brand zyx (shows you how new I am back into the vinyl scene). I checked out the for sale items on audiogon and the prices of their cartridges are over 3x the prices of the ones models I indicated in my original post. So, unfortunately, it's unlikely I'm going to be getting a zyx anytime soon.

There has been a great deal written about the Denon 103R, and every article I've read about the Denon states that it needs the right tonearm. I have no idea what the characteristics of my Linn Basic Plus are..low mass, high mass, what kind of bearing, etc? That's why I posted on here to see if anyone knew. I do plan on upgrading my turntable probably in the next couple years, but I don't want to pick up a cartridge that is a total mismatch for what I currently have.

Audiofeil does have a good point as well. When I was a teenager reading about cartridges and stylii, I was told that Conical or round tipped stylii are not good for the record (elliptical was the way to go!). I suppose I cannot necessarily believe everything I read though....
