Analogue Synergy....Which is the best Cartridge?

I'm getting back slowly into vinyl with the hopes of upgrading my Linn Axis/Basic Plus tonearm in the next couple years. I recently acquired the PS Audio GCPH phono preamp for my system because I thought it offered the most flexibility in terms of upgrading into a wide variety of cartridges. I'm currently using the Linn K9 cartridge.

I want to upgrade my cartridge next and am looking at the following:
Sumiko Blackbird
Shelter 501
Benz Micro Glider
Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood
Dynavector Karat

I've not personally heard any of these cartridges (only read the reviews) but I'm leaning towards the Shelter 501 primarily because it seems to offer the most bang for your buck.

Given my current Linn Basic Plus arm, which cartridge would allow me the best match for my current system. My upgrade path will likely include the VPI Scout with Signature 9 arm in the future.

Can any audiophiles out there with knowledge about cartridge output, tonearm mass, and phono preamps suggest a good match for me? My associated electronics include Aesthetix Calypso, YBA Alpha 2 amplifier, and mentioned earlier, the PS Audio GCPH phono preamp.

Another question, some cartridges have lo, medium and high outputs to match with a wide variety of phono stages. Are the lower output cartridges supposed to sound better?

I would appreciate your input!
Thank you!
Tony, I heard the FET/Valve @ the Chicago Audio Society a few years ago. Sean was there. I really liked its sonic presentation, clarity, dynamics & musicality. I recommended it to my brother in law. I still prefer my Marantz Ma-5 Esotec class A monoblocks, though.

As for the Denon 103-R, I would not recommend it (even if it was retipped every 500 hours). It's not cheap to properly do low output MC amplification and in most cases unnecesary and a bad compromise in the *punch* department. I get the midrange of a $1.5K moving coil and the punch & great trackability of a moving magnet with my modded DJ cartridge! The $54.95 Trackmaster I project is designed to take HF response where it should be. My NOS unit has half the coil windings of modern DJ cartridges (375 Ohm) and more extended HF response. Even with my power delivery/noise control rig I would have to really think it over before making the low output MC leap. Another issue is that the Denon was designed for the massive tonearms of the late 50's/early 1960's. New high mass tonearms tend to be very expensive nowadays, unless one gets an old Lenco or Garrard (EMT, too but not inexpensive).

There' been an unreasonable craze about starting vinyl rigs with low output moving coils. A lot of manufacturers have yielded to this pressure and made their units selectable for low output MCs when in fact they're not really designed for handling them. I still hold the massive cartridge bodies play a big part in the sound. That's one reason why I'm doing the Moca wood cartridge isolator experiment. You signing up?

A Linn Basik with a beefy external surplus power supply and a nice MM like the Stanton 681EEE would be outstanding. Installing a tonearm fluid damper and an Ortofon X5 high output MC would be a wake up call! If you search in the Vinyl Asylum you'll see that the X5 has been preferred by serious audiophiles over many other cartridges (after extended listening sessions). The AudioCircle moderator came to the same conclusion. The X5 is crystalline and airy without artificially bloating the soundstage. I got mine for $125 including shipping from Juki the Hong Kong pirate. Got to get the goodies at discount prices!!!

This is for the Audiofeil: VenHaus hand picks his Beta testers. Yours truly is one of them.

With psychic power and primal intensity,
OK...assuming I end up purchasing the VPI Scout with the signature 9 arm, would the ZYX Bloom be a better choice of cartridge vs the Shelter 501? The Shelter is a bit more expensive than the ZYX Bloom. I've not heard many cartridges, but a refined, seductive midrange is one of the most important characteristics I'm looking for. From what I've read about the Shelter, this is where it excels. How would the ZYX R50 Bloom compare?....or would I have to move up to the ZYX R100H or R100 Yatra/Fuji to get the performance of the Shelter 501. Any comments would be appreciated.

The JMW-9 is a downgrade from your current Linn Basic Plus. If you decide on VPI, mount your Linn or upgrade to something else. The Shelter or Zyx will love you for it.
I have the Scout and though I can't say this is the best cartridge it sure is the most hardy- a 25 year old Fidelity Research FR1 mk3f,still ticking after a twenty year sleep.It bests the Grado Platinum I had been using.