Dear friends: The 3150 denomination on the Essential means something very simple, like Matt posted the Essential 3150 is in reality three fully balanced independent preamps in one box/chasis: Moving Coil, Moving Magnet and Line, so:
MCMML = 3150. We have a second model: two MC and Line:
2MCL = 2950.
The roman numbers were translated two the arabic numbers, that's all.
On other idea order and like Matt already posted the Essential is finished with the impedance that you choose. Yes, I change the load impedance with Fred, Albert and Paul/Doug systems. To do this you have to solder the resistor value that you need.
As Matt posted the introductory price of the Essential 3150 will change after we receive the first 10 orders, after that the price go higher.. We could receive, only, another seven orders at that price.
Btw, some of you maybe can remember an old refrence where I posted about a " English gentleman " that own the Essential 3150, well he is Desmond Bailey and you can contact with him at: . His audio system: Talon speakers, Acoustic Signature Mambo TT, Ikeda/Moerch/Lustre tonearms, Allaerts MC2 Finish/Dynavector XV-1/MusicMaker cartridges, Levinson amp, etc, etc.
I don't want to " take " the Andrew thread so I'm thinking to share with all of you ( in other thread ) the great experiences that I lived during my audio trip in USA
Regards and enjoy the music.