You do not have your facts straight. You can buy a combination of a Minus K Work Station and an SRA stand for approx $ 7,000.00 (more if you have a heavy table and want to move up to the Ohio Class SRA platform).
Have you ever heard the combination of a Minus K and an SRA stand in your system ?
Are you a dealer ?
For your info, I am not listening to SRA's hype, I am listening to my system with my ears (which work quite well).
PS the SRA products do work.....
You do not have your facts straight. You can buy a combination of a Minus K Work Station and an SRA stand for approx $ 7,000.00 (more if you have a heavy table and want to move up to the Ohio Class SRA platform).
Have you ever heard the combination of a Minus K and an SRA stand in your system ?
Are you a dealer ?
For your info, I am not listening to SRA's hype, I am listening to my system with my ears (which work quite well).
PS the SRA products do work.....