Best rack for non-suspension turntable?

I have a Well-Tempered Classic turntable. For those unfamiliar, it does not have any internal suspension.

Does anyone have an opinion about the best type of equipment rack for this kind of table? My options are the Naim Fraim (I have Naim electronics, but the Fraim is obscenely expensive) which is rigid with glass shelves or the Isoblue which is composed of layers of different woods (so I'm told).

The Fraim supposedly is unbeatable with a suspension table like an LP12, but I'm not sure how it would work with a non-suspended table.

Any opinions?
Have you heard a Minus K in your system and done a direct comparison between the Minus K and the Halcyonics ?
If not in your system, have you heard both devices compared in the same system at the same time under the same piece of equipment ?
Yes, it was some time ago under my Esoteric X-01LE. I did not try either at that time under my turntable or amp.

Over a year and 1/2 ago I looked into both the Halcyonics and Minus-K isolators. One designed with bells and whistles, { translation; what will it cost if something goes awry?}, and a somewhat low weight capacity, the other designed on sound physical principles, passive and a weight capacity I needed- 750 lbs.

The people at Minus spent more than enough time to educate me in the operation and application of their unit. It took a special unit to isolate the 750 lb load I required. The cost upgrade was much lower than I expected, and after taking delivery of the isolator I was impressed beyond my expectations!

Ivor Tiffenbrum of Linn said, " If you haven't heard it, you have no opinion." I never heard the Halcyonics or my Minus K. The Minus K should be performing by Christmas, so I'll have an opinion on it then; but I guess that on this thread it won't really matter, it's just another expensive opinion to a real world question.

*****If you look at the Mapleshade web site you will see racks built on sound vibration isolation principles that don't cost a fortune, gee they look like--- but are much cheaper! Money back gaurantee. The only Mapleshade products I own are a load of their Jazz cds.


I would stay away from any glass or granite related shelfes. It adds an unpleasant hardness/glare to your sound.

I am personally using Symposium (ISIS rack), but they also have individual shelves that you can use on top of current shelves. Works brilliant - to add icing on top try using their rollerblocks between turntable and shelf.