RE: set up tips for Cello Reference mc cartridge

Hello, rather and start to play around I thought I would ask here first if anyone has any experience with setting up a Cello reference cartridge? I thought maybe there are a few tips you could pass my way that might save me some grief? Its NOS and as you may know designed by the founder of Mayiba! It is very similiar in appearance to the old mono Mc cartridges that dont have a cantilever!Please any help would be totally charished and appreciated beyond words! That may sound corny? but if you have this cartridge or have seen one you can understand my wanting to be causious before attempting to mount it! Thanks Daren
Daren, email Jonathan Carr and ask him for Ikeda-san's address. Then you can send him a pic of your cart. and ask him for the specs. He'd be the best source for the information I think.
BTW, I found the 9 to be unusually sensitive to VTF. Too little and you get huge amounts of needle talk, too much and the sound loses stereo spread and the phase seems to get screwed up.

hth, jonathan carr
Hello Rauliruegus and Jcarr, Nsgarch . Thanks everyone for the help I replied last night to this thread and it has seemed to dissapear? anyway I just wanted to thank everyone for all the help as now thre seems to be a glimps of light at the end of the tunnel. I think Jcarr and Raul have it right and the Cello Reference appears to be designed by Ikeda which is fine by me as you all know he is a pioneer in the industry and his workmenship nowdays commands big bucks! It may workout very well indeed as a Cello cartridge which is indeed a Ikeda mc is even better in my books. As far as my system Raul, I hope I can use the shortform? anyway consists of a Homebuilt 2a3 tube amp that was assembled using the best parts and also uses 6dj8's as driver tubes! Lowther Mau Horn Cabinets and drivers that wiegh in at 180lbs each, a Spectral DMC10 gamma and spin on an old DDx1000 tt that has mounted 3 micro seiki 505 arms drom various periods but basically the same. At the moment I am maily using a Spectral MCR signature that is fairly low about .20 and I'am running the pre at 47K in mm mode in the phono but I believe the gamma has a low output mc section or adjustments inside for it but have yet to remove the top? What do you think Raul will the Ikeda or Cello work Ok in my system? are you familiar with the gamma's adjustments? Regards Daren