Is a Koetsu Rosewood Sig Overkill for my JMW 9Sig?

My system has evolved wonderfully over the recent past.
I'm running a few year old ZYX Airy Vintage on a Scoutmaster with center & ring weights via a Cardas Neutral reference into an EAR 864 full function preamp.
My Cary V12 drives Wilson Audio Sophia I's.
Will the 9 Sig (With 3 gm headshell weight) allow the Koetsu to perform its' magic? Is is a worthwile upgrade?
My musical tastes range from vocals to classic rock to chamber music to symphonic extravaganzas.
I'm not at all unhappy with the ZYX (just the opposite). Just looking for another flavor of magic. I'll probably keep it as well.
I'd say go for it.The JMW9 can handle it with pride. The Rosewood sig belongs to the lower bracket in the koetsu line so putting it to the 9 is just about right.

You can actually go for a Graham L version if you want the best and to be able to use the outer periphery ring. By using the Triplanar you won't be able to use the ring cos the mounting of the arm calls that the armtube is situated in a diagonal position tucked very near the platter. I think it is because of the damping trouh.

Does the Graham have the same geometry as the JMW 9?
Will it mount in the same location?
I'm sure the Graham is a significant upgrade from the 9 Sig.

I don't think it's overkill. I had one on my JMW 10.5 arm with no issues whatsoever.

Audiofeil has made many negative comments about JMW-9 on many posts, but never gave solid reasons why JMW-9 was not worthy of a world class cartridge or even a Shelter 901. Many fine arms are only 9" long, SME included. In fact, VPI loves the JMW-9 so much they favor JMW-9 over the 10 or 12 internally. That explains the new 10.5i on the Aries 3 because the plain 9 surpasses 10.5 and 9 Sig is even better.

So my vote is to go for it, what is there to lose? JMW-9 cutout is same as Rega and that's probably the only arm that will fit in that hole without getting a new plinth to cut for Graham Phantom. I am sure Phantom is a great arm, or even just the 2.2, but 9 Sig can stand on its own consider the price difference.
I owned a JMW-9 for 2 years so I speak from experience. I used it with 4 different cartridges, Dynavector 20XH, Music Maker 2, Zyx Airy 2, and Zyx Airy 3.

The 9 will track all of these cartridges but only the Dynavector will be optimized. The Music Maker, Zyx, and the Shelter 901 will not show their best in that arm. If you have a problem with that fine, but that's the truth whether you like it or not.

For the record, I think VPI builds fine tables. They compete with many of the top manufacturers. However, the JMW-9 arm, with or without the window dressing upgrades, is not a particularly good tonearm IMO.

Thanks for listening.