Linn Linto, Lingo, Kairn & AV5103

I have a Lingo, early version in the smaller box, and Kairn with Brilliant Power supply connected to my LP12.

I was wondering how much of an improvement the larger Lingo II is than Lingo I, and if the Linto preamp is markedly better than the MC phono stage on a Kairn/Brilliant or an AV5103?

I am considering some upgrades but all the various Linn offerings can be confusing. I had always heard that the Phono stage on the Kairn with Brilliant was very good. It also appears that Linn is no longer going to offer a phono stage in their new multi-channel systems so I thought perhaps an upgrade to an AV5103 would provide a Phono Stage upgrade comparable to the Linto?

Also...If I upgraded to a Lingo II, would I just connect a new, larger Lingo box to the current connections, or are there other items to change inside the LP12 frame?

Which Linn upgrades would provide the most improvement for MC Phono? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
the Linto is by far the best phono pre linn has to offer. I still have the old lingo as well and am told the upgrade to the new one is quite signifigant, and a different type of improvement than upgrading other items further down along the chain (amps, cables, etc). as far as have 2 can simply "plug and play" and use you current internal workings from old lingo, OR you can remove them and install new ones. whether or not there is an improvement by removing all old parts and installing new is not totally clear. i can say that i know people (very fanatic) and they didnt change the old cables etc. let me know if you find love to swap my old for a new also...maybe we can get a deal!!
What arm and cartridge do you have/
Thanks, I have an Ittok LVII with a K18. I'm thinking of upgrading to a decent MC, Perhaps an AT OC9, AT33PTG or a Shelter 501. (The AT33PTG sounds very good for the price and other Ittok users have had good results...)

The problem I see in upgrading to the Lingo II is what to do with the Lingo I? And I haven't really heard what the major benefit of the Lingo II is.

What is the dB gain on the Kairn MC section? I had always heard that the Kairn had a good phono section, so why the need for the Linto? Or perhaps the Phono section of the newer AV5103 is as good as a Linto? This endless tweaking and upgrading can become confusing and I'd rather avoid lateral moves that add additional boxes that don't deliver improvements. Having said all of that, I still consider the Lingo I, one of the best upgrades I ever did to the LP12...besides buying good recordings.
you make good sense regarding lateral moves...using anything other than linto would be just that. as for what do you do with you old lingo, im thinking you sell the old lingo with the new parts that werent used from the new lingo. the new lingo has the brilliant power supply...much much quieter, less interference, and way more control... ive got ekos 2, akiva, and im told im not hearing all i could until i get new lingo... also good upgrade is linns silver T cable...