Brinkman Balance Comparisons

For those who have the Brinkman or compared it to others please chime in. How does it compare to the Avid, TW Raven AC and SME 30? I heard the Raven AC has been compared to the Brinkman in Germany extensively. any thoughts? Also, how critical is a good support stand to achieve it's perfromance?

Thanks for your help,

Yes, I'm afraid it is. And re: phono stage. True. But anyone who's shelling out the dollars for a highend turntable is unlikely to skimp on the phono stage.
Dear Andrew: Any serious TT comparison is valid only if take place in the same audio system/room with the same tonearm/cartridge/phonolinepream/cartridge set-up.

I respect all the people and what they already posted about but is not really usefull. Because almost all heard the different TT's in different environment.

When you are talking of any of the TT's named here ( including your Acoustic Signature ) you don't have to worried about its performance or the " minute " differences between them what you must to worried is about two critical subjects: tonearm/cartridge matching and Phonolinepreamp, these two subjects make the difference ( not the TT )specially the Phonolinepreamp ( I agree with Darren about ).

Andrew, for the last four weeks I was " exposed " to several TT's: Walker Gold, SME 30, Avid Acutus, Micro Seiki, Rockpot Sirius, Teres, Galibier, VPI Aries and Acoustic Signature. I can tell you which audio system like me more and I can graded each one but I can't tell you which TT's is the best one.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thank you for your valuable opinion. Unfortunately, you present little information on which to evaluate it.
My earlier post pointed to some of the qualities that, I think, the elite tables provide--freedom from the sense that vinyl is being played, sensational dynamics, increased refinement, greater sense of hall space, and so forth. The SME 30, Walker, and Continuum all provide it. Whether it's worth the money to you is another question entirely. That said, superb sound can be had for a lot less. But you will get more with the better tables. My opinion, valuable or not, is that it's all a question of how demanding (and obsessive)you are or want to be.
Raul said: Any serious TT comparison is valid only if take place in the same audio system/room with the same tonearm/cartridge/phonolinepream/cartridge set-up. Now I agree but HOW do you do that?????? It's almost impossible to go to some audio store and start to compare the Galibrier/Raven/Teres/SME/VPI etc with the Tri-Planer/Schroder/Luster/Graham/Dynavector with a ZYX/Orpheus/Dynavector, so many choices.
Gdastone is right .......tables and arms have been improving year by year. This is what is so frustrating to me is just not an easy choice. Then again, it really is!
What I include in my decision to buy is the following: why do I want to there somthing wrong with what I have OR is the new unit better?: Is the new unit better in areas I need and want (and like)?: has it been blessed and given an approval nod by you (the group here on audiogon)?: is it reasonably priced?: Is the dealer/manufacturer a person I want to deal with (important)?: What is the availability of the unit (a problem with Schroder for now)?: will I get the necessary service?:
All of these are important in my search but I do feel that a: Teres with a Graham Phantom and ZYX or a VPI HRX with a Tri-Planer and Orpheus would make me happy........

P.S. The units I mentioned above are just some of the candidates. I am also looking at the Raven AC, Galibrier, Schroder, etc.....

Rick (RWD)