The copper platter & Living voice mat are very very close. The other mats change the sound much more. The sound loses a touch of the dynamics w. the mat but also the treble rolls off but becomes more natural (so so so very slight). The Boston made everything fuzzy. The Millenium rolled the treble off too much to my liking. I really spent a lot of time doing these comparisons. These are easy to do. I kept VTA same for all of these. You don't need a mat, it is just nice.
The copper platter & Living voice mat are very very close. The other mats change the sound much more. The sound loses a touch of the dynamics w. the mat but also the treble rolls off but becomes more natural (so so so very slight). The Boston made everything fuzzy. The Millenium rolled the treble off too much to my liking. I really spent a lot of time doing these comparisons. These are easy to do. I kept VTA same for all of these. You don't need a mat, it is just nice.