cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra

I have a Scout with a Benz Glider H2 currently, running through a AR PH5 phono pre. I am looking to upgrade my cart. Would a Lyra Helikon be overkill and would I have a problem with anti skate? I have heard the Koetsu Black and loved the airiness. Would a Benz woodbody give me any of that air? It's really difficult to listen to diffrent carts, plus they are always on a diiferent rig. I am probably going to buy used.
Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated.
When rebuilding a cartridge, both the components used and the craftsman doing the work have a significant effect on the resulting sound. If the cartridge rebuilder is not the same as the original manufacturer, neither the components nor the craftsman will be the same as the original, hence it is to be expected that the sound will be different.

jonathan carr
Dear jeff: I think that there are many cartridge options over the Glider and this depends on your budget.

My advise is that till you own a very top rate phonolinepreamp stay with a " middle " top cartridge that are really good performers, example: Sumiko Blackbird, Sumiko Celebration, Lyra Dorian, Dynavector 17D2, etc, etc.

Now, you could buy second hand but like John posted it is a little risky. Btw, there are very good cartridge rebuilders but like Jonathan posted the original cartridge source has some advantages about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi Jeff..John is righ on... the Helikon is not an overkill. The benz is warmer (not as much as "very"-just a bit). Have a go at it. They both work very well in my 10.5 arm

Rick (RWD)
I appreciate all of your advice, I have made a deal on a Koestu Black. I hope I made a good decision.
Are you saying my weak link is the PH5? I would have thought it would be the Scout.
