New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
Packing with lots of bubble wrap would probably have prevented the damage to my table but that takes time and effort. I think the rugged construction and weight just gives the impression it does not need much packing. Anyway, i think if I ever get another used table, i will work to pick it up if possible. I have never had a problem moving one in my vehicle. If the paul wants needs some help please refer him to me and i will share some of the things i did to "fix" my issues. The tough repair was the corian but i did find a supplier that would sell me the seam glue that pretty much worked like a charm.

I have a Maplenoll Athena, and soon I will audition a Aridne that's for sale also. If you look at he offers to get anyone in touch with a man who may help new Maplenoll owners improving their tables.

BTW: I have heard the Aridne/Zyx Airy combo, and it really sounds great. Very flowing and musical:-)

Good luck.

The fellow who can be contacted thru that above site is Scott Leventhal , a very nice fellow who re-wrote the Ariadne & Athea Manuals for 'Noll 15+ years ago.

Scott on occasion willingly shaires the copywrited materals on a person by person request using above web site to filter same to him . Scott also has developed a Improvment/ Tweeks page(s) for a variety of 'Nolls.

Due to his decision to distribute the materals that he has legal rights too in a manner he chooses, I feel it inapproiate w/o his permission to discuss them , however , both are valuable for 'Noll owners. So threaders contact the above site , send an e/m requesting assistence & await a response.

Who knows maybe Scott may consider forwarding the materal to this thread for downloading ?
Piedpiper: I am considering removing the a/c motor. Could you go into a little more detail on the do's and don't, perhaps a few pics. Thanks
Piedpiper: I attempted to look at your 1/17 pic's for cues to the motor mounting. Unfortunately , some of the mounting is obscured. Do you have any recommendations for a replacement motor ? From the pic it appears the outside of your platter has been taped --Is that correct ? Have you found those brass bolts ? Lots of Q's ... All the Best