New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
The 'Noll parts are back from "Fine Finishes", Robb did an outstanding job. When the weather improves I want to take several frames of Robbs work & the disassembled Ari posting them(soon) . I intend to polish the plastic & painted parts, reinspecting every part and sub-unit before putting the record player back together. Then, the hard work begins .
Every 'Noll part has under gone re-inspection, cleaning & polishing. The painting work of "Fine Finishes" is truly dazzeling. Todate, I'm re-assembeling the table for now (less-tonearm) until I merge the Music Hall stand alone Turntable Motor Unit and the Table. The Platter looks stunning, but what is more important, Robb took it upon himself to flywheel balance the platter. It runs perfectly round.

Earlier, I "eyeballed" placement of the motor unit from pic's on AG ,I'm close ; only a "fraction" or so adjustment to equall the height of the Table , Motor Unit w/ VPI controller before speed tests.

My A+ gear is in Eric's shop for inspection and A/C balance . Tube replacement for the SP-10 & perhaps the input tubles for the S.O.B's. The 6550A are robust and are not up for replacement. My Audio room is up for a revamp. Lots going on to complement the 'Noll. Then picture time of the completed project. I will post the "Fine Finishes" work by Robb Shortly.
Readers:FYI, A Ari'Noll is up for sale on AG, # 1225807894, Ontaro, CA., $2,400 plus shipping.
Readers : This project has taken on many facets that I did not appreciate in the beginning. This is a journey not just a destination. Its my intention to create new bounds for the 'Nolls. Ideas that transend the moment or money. But, I have learned this project can not exist in a vaccume. Today, I requested assistance from Piedpiper , an expert in outboard motors ,to assist me & perhaps create other optons in arm tubes. I hope he can assist.
Piedpiper has agreed to join in the project , in a couple of months. He's currently on the road. The schedule is OK with me , another Christmas present is a good thing.