New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
Update: Another round of tests of the electrical system & air control system have been completed. No leaks and all are fuctioning at or beyond my expectations. The tonearm is operating with a silky feel; the air bearings spin as never before. No one I approached had any interest in developing a retro-fit of the air bearing plates so I'm stuck with the center pin system. Because of that, the free spin rate has limits unless that technical issue can be resolved. 8" diameter is just that not 11". Perhaps I am within "shouting distance or less" to the mega-buck spin rates but limitations to do with the initial air bearing design will await to be conquered by another. The rebalancing of the lead platter increases the spin rate at the cost of a ounce or so of lead: No big deal. I feel assured the spin rate is greater now than when Ari was "stock" 'Noll.

The re-painting of the exterior air manifold and several selected parts improves the over-all finish & look. I have a feeling that when one views those pics , the black-on-white or the black-on-grey specks ,era will be replaced with professional re-painting.

This 'Noll has been inspected; cleaned , damped , sanded , balanced, parts replaced or re-manufactured , re-wired & polished as required. The table has had a complete make-over from the-inside-out.

The above was accomplished after collecting 20+years of reviews , comments, interviews and DIY suggestions: Reading and re-reading applying every useful suggestion I could gleam from the written page. And, may I say judgement calls by yours truly.

Soon I will know if all of this was worth the effort. I won't hold back whatever the outcome.
Charlie--Cant wait to hear your feedback on your mods. I totally agree with the balance impact on the "spin rate" on the noll. With the heavier platter it made a tremendous impact. I am having that done to my older table platter.
Oilmanmojo : At this jucture all that is left is to re-arrange the audio room , no small task. I'm applying Jim Smith's techniques from "Get Better Sound", to extract as much from the room as possible.

All my gear has been checked out by Eric Falkenham (410-467-3620). Eric is a former trouble shooter for Westinghouse's Airport Unit. This man knows tubes and tube circuits. Without Eric I would have gotten out of tube equipment , with him I'll keep on truck'in.

Things are starting to come together. As an aside I can't believe what a difference foam damping tape made on noise levels of the inboard motor. The stuff was forwarded by the G&E Company. I have a couple of other places I want to apply the tape. So far a vibration killer.
Tell me more about this dampening tape. This sounds interesting. Sounds like u use to damping the motor. how and where to apply the tape. I like the idea of an external plinth but if i can get 80% of that effect without moving the motor, that would be an option to consider. On your room treatment, are u using wall treatment? I know its off topic, but am interested in that aspect of sound improvement also.
O: Forward your home address via email & I'll send you some. Cheers, Charlie