The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
I believe by far the best speaker ever are the Sonus Faber Amati Homage...of course on my price range. I prefer not to discuss the extra premium models
ESP Grand Concert SI's driven by Wavestream Kinetics V-8 monoblocks, Messenger preamp, Brinkman table w/ Breuer arm.

Awesome setup at The Show in LA
The best HiFi I’ve heard in a long time
Author: BrettG [19-05-2008 13:10]

The best HiFi I’ve heard in a long time? No doubt about it. I know that audio memory is notoriously erratic but I’d be tempted to say that I may well have encountered the best HiFi system I’ve ever heard. A lofty claim indeed, especially since I’ve been fortunate to listen to a number of incredible systems in the last two years but this system is really special.

It’s definitely not the most expensive system around but it makes music like nothing I’ve ever heard this side of a band of musicians.

This is the third time I’ve been out to Jason Parmenter’s place in Muriwai to take in his handmade Fatboy speakers and the third time is the charm because the system is sounding better than ever. The 200Kg+ Fatboys are a genuine labour of love and of hard work. With 16” TAD drivers replacing the 15” JBLs that were previously installed and a new passive external crossover taking the place of the active electronic unit, the Fatboys are singing with a new lease on life.

The EMMLabs CDSA SACD player plus the full chain of LAMM amplification including the L2 Reference two box pre amp and M1.2 Reference power amps don’t hurt at all and it all comes together in a system that had me spellbound.

I’ve had a few occasions with small stand mount speakers where I’ve wondered how the designers get them to sound so big but this is the first time I’ve seriously wondered how a set of monster floorstanders can imitate the most delicate of mini monitors. I obviously expect massive bass and skull crushing dynamics from giant speakers like the Fatboys but the levels of detail and subtlety in that room are so improbable that it all seems quite surreal.

The combination of small speaker detail, electrostatic speed plus bass that wouldn’t be out of place at a live gig is a bit of a HiFi holy grail and Jason’s nailed it.

There’s not a single solitary aspect of the sound that I would like to improve or that I could even imagine could be improved. The music is absolutely effortless to the extent that I don’t really need to delve into a dictionary of audiophile terminology to describe it – it simply sounds right. More right and more natural than you could believe.

If I inherited a sizable sum of cash and had a room that could do justice to this type of system, I would have it installed and never think twice about it.

Of course being a HiFi nutcase, I’d have another room for tinkering, reviewing and auditioning other bits of kit but I reckon I know where I’d end up when I just wanted to listen to some music and enjoy myself rather than analyzing tonal balance or low frequency extension etc.

Tags: Parmenter Fatboys | EMMLabs | LAMM

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FijiGlen [27-05-2008 16:46]
I've read and heard many say there is nothing like the sound from a big full range speaker. After I audition Jason Parmenter's Fatboy speakers I'm a believer too. In fact Jason's Fatboy's are the best sounding speakers I've ever heard as well. Sure the EMMlabs CD player and Lamm amps helped, but there was something unexplainably realistic in the way these speakers radiated the music. We played a lot of different CDs and although you could detect the quality of the different recordings, the essence of the music came through and made the listening session more about the choice of music rather than the technical attributes of the components.

Interestingly Jason's room isn't that large (for a dedicated music room) and even though the speakers were positioned fairly close to the back and side walls it didn't affect the speaker's ability to project a wide and deep soundstage.

I originally came to Jason's home to audition a pair of Harbeth HL5 speakers. Although these speakers sounded mighty impressive through the Leben CS600 integrated amp there was something unique about the big sound from the Fatboys/Emmlabs/Lamm combo. Perhaps its the sound of unrestrained dynamics that's projected into the room in a effortless manner?

Like BrettG I'm convinced of the big speaker sound. If I could afford this combo I would.
Darkmoebius, I heard that system with ESP speakers at the LA show too and it was fantastic - one of my favorite 3 rooms of the show. My other two favorites were the MBL room and the room with the Rockport Mira speakers and Gryphon electronics.