Rumbling ?

When I lower my needle in the grooves music is first to appears....soon to be accompagned (from the first second or some other lime a little later) with a steady rumbling low frquency sound that has my powered subwoofer going wild........all stop the moment I remove the needle from the record.
It did go away a couple of days ago for a while after I had played a bit with the arm's various adjustments
but it is back again.
Any recommendations ?
You need to better isolate the table. It sounds like you are getting a little low frequency feedback. This is why some preamps had a filter to roll off the bass below 20hz.
I've also found you could lower the dustcover down while playing and this will stop it sometimes.
Dear Pboutin: Which TT/tonearm/cartridge do you use? and what level/volume happen that? with all kind of music/with all LPs ?

Please give us some info about .

Regards and enjoy the music.
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