The perfect tonearm match to the Oracle Paris MKII

I own a Oracle Paris a very nice looking and sounding table, the arm is a Jelco/Audioquest SA 250ST, wired with a audioquest quartz, in a typicall Linn armboard, I like the sound however I think a better arm like the Linn Ekos could be a better match to the Paris, or a sme V if the table as a sme armboard. However maybe I have conseidere another options. Opinions please?
The SME IV or V provides a nice improvement in the bass performance of the light sounding Oracle.
I think the SME V is the better match, however my problem is the armbord, how can I install the SME in a Linn configuration armboard, of my Oracle?
i went from a pt6 to a pt9 audioquest arm wired with audioquest jaguar silver wire, and my paris sounds terrific. the aq arm is also extremely easy to set up and make cartridge changes. it outperforms (in every way) my goldmund studio.
Dear Shade_of_pale: Yes, I agree with you and Narrod about the SME V/IV. Over the time Oracle choose to mate their TT's with SME tonearms, this means synergy that is a desirable subject on the analog system. You can contact directly to Oracle to find the SME arm board.

The Linn Ekos is a very good tonearm too and could be a good alternative to the SME.

Jacob, with all the improvements that you are doing on your ( very nice ) audio system in my humble opinion I think that you could go for the Dyna XV-1 that is a better quality performer than the very good 17D2 that you own.

Regards and enjoy the music.
What a fine collection, I'm surprised, 3 table ,more than 15 arms and 30 cartriges, it´s spectacular, you are a special listener, and I have to admire you. Congratulations for you musical interest, and yours opinions I have to considerer, so mutch equipment you are a expert in all aspects of audio concernes, thanks too to your coments aboult my system and sugestions, anything you could help I aprecciate.